Gilcrease Museum is temporarily closed for construction.

Get the Full Story
Date posted:  May 6, 2021

This teacher institute facilitated by Gilcrease Museum in partnership with the Tri-City Collective and the University of Tulsa’s Institute of Trauma, Adversity and Injustice is a 12-hour professional development opportunity for Tulsa Public Schools educators that will provide tools to support pedagogical experiences surrounding historical trauma and trauma-informed classroom practices focusing on empathy, equity, resilience and healing. Participants will work closely with Gilcrease collections related to the forced removal of Southeastern tribes, freedmen and Afro-Indigenous histories in Oklahoma, and the Tulsa Race Massacre. Hear talks by inspiring speakers, learn in cohorts, develop practical tools to support teaching difficult histories including self-care and arts integration activities for educators and students, and leave with useful curricular resources.  

Dates: July 12, 13 &14 2021   

Eligible Participants: Tulsa Public Schools District Teachers 

Times: 1-4 p.m. daily with an evening celebration on July 14 

Location and Format: Virtual (live and asynchronous interactive learning experiences) with evening celebration on July 14 held onsite at the Helmerich Center for American Research.

For more information, contact