Browse: Illustrated Letters
Illustrated Letter, October 24, 1927
This is a reference image scanned from an older transparency.
Read MoreI Savvy These Folks
Read MoreIllustrated Letter
Illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell to friend Phil dated June 23, 1915. Illustration is of a three Indians on horses spotting another party on horses.
Read MoreFrom Charles M. Russell to Friend Schatzlein
Matted and illustrated note from Charles M. Russell to Schatzlein. Letter reads, 'Friend Schatzlein, I sent yesterday by express a picture that I could not sell here and thought you might sell it for me the price is $75. Best Wishes, CM Russell.' The note is signed with Charles M. Russell's buffalo skull and a cowboy and Indian toasting with glasses while holding an end of a wish bone.
Read MoreReproduction of an illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell
2 copies of a photo of an illustrated letter to Frank from Charles M. Russell.
Read MoreReproduction of an illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell
2 copies of a letter to "Friend Frank" from Charles M. Russell. First page has an illustration of a car wreck, and the second page has an illustration of a donkey eating clothes off a clothesline. Handwritten.
Read MoreReproduction of an illustrated message from Charles M. Russell
TU2009.39.4656a: Photo of an illustrated message signed "To you and yours from me and mine." Handwritten with an illustration on the left of three men on horseback. TU2009.39.4656b: Reproduction of an illustrated letter with an illustration on the left of three men on horseback.
Read MoreReproduction of an illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell
TU2009.39.4659.1-2: Photo of two page illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell to "Friend Frank." Handwritten. TU2009.39.4659.1a-c: Reproduction of the first page of an illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell to "Friend Frank." Handwritten.
Read MoreReproduction of an illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell
Photo of an illustrated letter to C. N. Dickinson. Handwritten on Charles M. Russell stationary.
Read MoreReproduction of an illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell
TU2009.39.4663a: Photo of an illustrated letter to "Friend Frank" thanking him for the pin. Handwritten on Charles. M. Russell stationary. TU2009.39.4663b: Reproduction of illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell to "Friend Frank"; illustration of an elderly indian smoking a pipe surrounded by a wolf, bear, owl, and beaver. Related to TU2009.39.370.
Read MoreReproduction of an illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell
Photo of an illustrated letter and poem to "Friend Frank" with an illustration of a boat scene. Handwritten.
Read MoreIllustrated letter from Jim Murphy to Charles M. Russell
Illustrated letter from Jim Murphy to Charles M. Russell; tells Charles M. Russell that he has enclosed an article that he just read. Handwritten with an illustration of a man in a hat at the bottom of the page.
Read MoreIllustrated letter from Philip Goodwin to Charles M. Russell and Nancy C. Russell
Illustrated letter from Philip Goodwin to Charles M. Russell and Nancy C. Russell. Pen and ink with watercolor of a bullmoose. Handwritten on both front and back concerning personal matters.
Read MoreIllustrated letter from Will James to Charles M. Russell
Illustrated letter from Will James to Charles M. Russell. Two pages with an illustration on both pages: pen and ink of a cowboy attempting to rope a three-headed monster with the caption: "How would you handle it?" Illustration on second page is of a ranchhouse door with brands on the front. Handwritten with news about James's articles and his new studio near Lake Tahoe.
Read MoreIllustrated letter from Philip R. Goodwin
From Philip R. Goodwin to Charles M. Russell and Nancy C. Russell; tells the Russells that he received Nancy C. Russell's letter and the enclosed check. Watercolor of a deer in water by a forest at the top of the first page.
Read MoreIllustrated Letter Dated June 23, 1915
An illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell to Phil dated June 23, 1915. On back is, "On reversal side of original letter the following postscript in Russell's handwriting, "I saw Mr. Gerry Lane and he told me you were still at High river give him my regards when you see him. I all so saw Charlie Blunt in...(unreadable script) a year ago last April and he wanted to be remembered to you."
Read MoreIllustrated Letter, Early Western Travelogue (Opus 7) "The Iron Trail"
Read MoreLetter to Dr. Phillip Cole
Read MoreIllustrated Letter
Illustrated letter from Charles M. Russell to friend Phil dated June 23, 1915. Illustration is of a three Indians on horses spotting another party on horses.
Read MoreIllustrated letter from the Dixons
Greeting from the Dixons. Illustrated with a pen and ink drawing.
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