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Classification: Archaeological Objects

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Ivory snow knife Arctic, Inuit 83.1119 Ivory
Ivory labret Arctic, Inuit 84.1449 Ivory, Glass Beads
Ivory fire drill base Arctic, Inuit 83.1378 Ivory
Ixtlan del Rio style hollow ceramic human female figure supporting ceramic vessel on top of head Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.4027 clay, slip, paint
Standard sized axe shaped smelted copper Mesoamerican; Tarascan 63.254 copper
Ceramic Chupicuaro "Formative Period" anthropomorphic effigy bottle Mesoamerican; Chupicuaro 54.4256 clay, red slip
Expended remnant of an obsidian core Mesoamerican 61.11491 obsidian
Stone effigy figure of a standing man Mesoamerican 61.8809 stone
Ixtlan del Rio hollow ceramic figure of seated male with fan in hand Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.1716 clay, slip, paint
Ivory labret Arctic, Inuit 83.2005 Ivory
Ivory harpoon toggle butt Arctic, Inuit 83.1496 Fossil Ivory
Ixtlan del Rio style solid ceramic anthropomorphic figure Mesoamerican 54.3909 clay, slip, paint
Inuit scraper made from wood, leather, and metal Arctic, Inuit 84.1374 Wood, Leather, Metal
Jade human face effigy Mesoamerican; Teotihuacan 55.101 jadeite
Ivory seal and human effigy Arctic, Inuit 83.1363 Ivory
Ivory and slate ulu Arctic, Inuit 84.2143 Ivory, Slate
Greenstone effigy figurine Mesoamerican 61.8798 greenstone
Stone effigy figure of a standing man Mesoamerican 61.8804 stone
San Sebastian style hollow seated female ceramic figure Mesoamerican 54.8181 clay
Stone Chontal mask Mesoamerican; Chontal 61.8397 stone