Quartz head mask pendant |
Mesoamerican |
61.8242 |
quartz |
Ceramic fragment of monkey effigy mask |
Mesoamerican; Mayan |
54.7453 |
clay |
Blue glass bead necklace strung on cotton string |
Native American; Northwest Coast |
57.6 |
glass, cotton string |
Stone effigy figure of a standing man |
Mesoamerican |
61.8806 |
stone |
Ivory whale charm |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1752 |
Ivory |
Polychrome ceramic human effigy rattle |
Mesoamerican; Mayan |
54.3861 |
clay |
Ivory harpoon head |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1466 |
Ivory, Glass Beads |
Grooved and polished obsidian labret or lip plug with small inset space |
Mesoamerican |
61.8550 |
obsidian |
Ceramic effigy rattle |
Mesoamerican; Mayan |
54.3785 |
clay |
Incised shell effigy |
Mesoamerican |
90.1463 |
shell |
San Sebastian style hollow female ceramic anthropomorphic figure |
Mesoamerican |
54.3880 |
clay |
Stone labret |
Arctic, Inuit |
61.7264 |
Stone |
Horn spoon with rawhide-covered handle |
Unknown |
Native American; Plains |
90.851 |
horn, hide, sinew, quills, string |
Ceramic human figure head effigy fragment |
Mesoamerican |
54.7587 |
clay |
Bone fish harpoon |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.2003 |
Bone |
Ceramic human figure head fragment of a fertility goddess |
Mesoamerican; Toltec |
54.7312 |
clay |
Seal effigy toggle |
Arctic, Inuit |
83.1159 |
Ivory |
Ceramic human figure head effigy fragment |
Mesoamerican; Aztec |
54.7585 |
clay |
Ceramic human figure head fragment |
Mesoamerican; Teotihuacan |
54.7412 |
clay |
Ceramic stamp (sello) |
Mesoamerican; Aztec |
54.7510 |
clay |