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Classification: Archaeological Objects

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Quartz head mask pendant Mesoamerican 61.8242 quartz
Ceramic fragment of monkey effigy mask Mesoamerican; Mayan 54.7453 clay
Blue glass bead necklace strung on cotton string Native American; Northwest Coast 57.6 glass, cotton string
Stone effigy figure of a standing man Mesoamerican 61.8806 stone
Ivory whale charm Arctic, Inuit 83.1752 Ivory
Polychrome ceramic human effigy rattle Mesoamerican; Mayan 54.3861 clay
Ivory harpoon head Arctic, Inuit 83.1466 Ivory, Glass Beads
Grooved and polished obsidian labret or lip plug with small inset space Mesoamerican 61.8550 obsidian
Ceramic effigy rattle Mesoamerican; Mayan 54.3785 clay
Incised shell effigy Mesoamerican 90.1463 shell
San Sebastian style hollow female ceramic anthropomorphic figure Mesoamerican 54.3880 clay
Stone labret Arctic, Inuit 61.7264 Stone
Horn spoon with rawhide-covered handle Unknown Native American; Plains 90.851 horn, hide, sinew, quills, string
Ceramic human figure head effigy fragment Mesoamerican 54.7587 clay
Bone fish harpoon Arctic, Inuit 83.2003 Bone
Ceramic human figure head fragment of a fertility goddess Mesoamerican; Toltec 54.7312 clay
Seal effigy toggle Arctic, Inuit 83.1159 Ivory
Ceramic human figure head effigy fragment Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7585 clay
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican; Teotihuacan 54.7412 clay
Ceramic stamp (sello) Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7510 clay