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Classification: Archaeological Objects

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican; Teotihuacan 54.7412 clay
Stone Olmecoid mask Mesoamerican; Olmec 61.8625 stone
Ivory human effigy Arctic, Aleut 83.1356 Ivory
San Sebastian style hollow ceramic human figure Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.3999 clay
Shell effigy pendant Mesoamerican 90.1418 shell
Ceramic mold of an Aztec goddess Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7563 clay
Hollow jaguar figure Central American; Panamanian, Gran Coclé 54.3384 clay, polychrome
Solid ceramic figurine fragment Mesoamerican 54.4209 clay
Grooved and polished obsidian labret or lip plug Mesoamerican 61.8556 obsidian
Bow drill with scrimshaw decoration Arctic, Inuit 83.1147 Ivory
Ivory harpoon toggle butt Arctic, Inuit 83.1492 Fossil Ivory
Ixtlan del Rio style hollow ceramic funerary effigy Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.4166 clay, slip, paint
Inuit cutting tool made from steel with an ivory handle Arctic, Aleut 84.1372 Ivory, Steel
Harpoon Arctic, Inuit 84.1698 wood, ivory, iron, sinew
Ceramic female figure Mesoamerican; Tlatilco 54.7396 clay
Ivory scrimshaw Arctic, Inuit 83.1150 Ivory
Ixtlan del Rio style hollow male ceramic funerary effigy Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.4121 clay, slip, paint
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican 54.7598 clay
Standard sized axe shaped smelted copper Mesoamerican; Tarascan 63.259 copper
Ivory bear effigy toggle Arctic, Inuit 83.1292 Ivory