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Classification: Archaeological Objects

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Jade human face effigy pendant Mesoamerican; Totomic 61.8359 jade
Engraved stone effigy figurine Mesoamerican; Toltec 61.8794 stone
Ivory harpoon foreshaft Arctic, Inuit 83.1840 Ivory
Small clay "elbow" style pipe with texture on bowl and stem Native American 54.4523 clay
Standard sized axe shaped smelted copper Mesoamerican; Tarascan 63.258 copper
Ixtlan del Rio hollow ceramic figure of seated female with bowl at shoulder Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.1717 clay, slip, paint
Obsidian ear ornament Mesoamerican 61.8534 obsidian
Ivory sinker Arctic, Inuit 83.1480 Ivory
Stone ulu blade Arctic, Inuit 61.7160 Stone
Grooved and polished obsidian earspool Mesoamerican 61.8599 obsidian
Human stone head with ritual ball game regalia Mesoamerican; Mayan 61.8890 stone
Bow drill with hide string and scrimshaw decoration Arctic, Inuit 83.1146 Ivory
Jade human face effigy Mesoamerican; Mayan 55.226 jadeite
Ceramic human effigy maskette Mesoamerican; Toltec 54.7313 clay
Solid ceramic anthropomorphic female figurine Mesoamerican; Tlatilco 54.7536 clay
Engraved slate effigy pendant Mesoamerican 61.8837 slate
Ivory comb Arctic, Inuit 83.1090 Ivory
Ixtlan del Rio style hollow female ceramic effigy Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.4068 clay, slip, paint
Standing man stone figure Mesoamerican 61.8813 stone
Ceramic human effigy figure Mesoamerican; Mayan 54.3783 clay