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Classification: Archaeological Objects

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Jade effigy pendant Mesoamerican 55.103 jade
Ceramic human effigy figure Mesoamerican; Mayan 54.3874 clay
Jade human face effigy pendant Mesoamerican; Mayan 55.108 jade
Horn spoon with leather, glass beads, and horse hair Native American; Plains 90.846 horn, glass, leather, quills, horse hair, metal, sinew
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican; Mayan 54.7450 clay
Nayarit style solid female ceramic figurine Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.4089 clay, slip, paint
Jade human face effigy pendant Mesoamerican 55.102 jade
Ivory whale effigy Arctic, Inuit 83.1751 Ivory
Ulu jade blade Arctic, Inuit 55.77 Jade
Wooden mask with baleen halo Arctic, Aleut 73.398 Wood, Baleen
Jade square bead or pendant Mesoamerican; Mayan 61.8591 jade
Ceramic effigy Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7482 clay
Jade frog effigy pendant Mesoamerican 55.215 jade
Parfleche knife sheath with painted designs Native American; Plains 89.58 leather
Solid ceramic anthropomorphic warrior figure fragment Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7287 clay
Grooved and polished obsidian labret or lip plug Mesoamerican 61.8554 obsidian
Stone mask or pendant Mesoamerican; Chontal 61.8381 stone
Bone spear point Arctic, Aleut 83.2002 Bone
Ivory comb Arctic, Inuit 83.1077 Ivory
Bone comb Arctic, Inuit 83.1102 Bone