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Classification: Archaeological Objects

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Doll Head Arctic, Inuit 83.1233 Ivory, Glass Beads
Jade effigy pendant Mesoamerican 55.88 jade
Ivory sled runner Arctic, Inuit 83.1513 Fossil Ivory
Jade effigy pendant Mesoamerican 55.157 jade
Ceramic human effigy figure with bird mask Mesoamerican; Mayan 54.3870 clay
Obsidian blade Mesoamerican 61.8781 obsidian
Standard sized axe shaped smelted copper Mesoamerican; Tarascan 63.256 copper
Comala style ceramic bottle Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.3554 clay, burnished red slip
Stone labret Arctic, Inuit 61.6941 Stone
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican 54.4220 clay
Silver pin of an eagle kachina dancer with engraved and stamped designs Native American; Zuni 60.7 silver
Carved wooden mask Arctic, Inuit 73.403 Wood
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican 54.7593 clay
Ivory whale effigy Arctic, Inuit 83.1804 Ivory
Round bead or pendant Mesoamerican; Mayan 61.8593 jade
Ceramic effigy Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7415 clay
Ceramic effigy with hollow construction Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7297 clay
Grooved and polished obsidian labret or lip plug Mesoamerican 61.8546 obsidian
Ivory comb Arctic, Inuit 83.1085 Ivory
Ceramic figure of a female holding a child Mesoamerican; Tlatilco 54.7473 clay