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Classification: Archaeological Objects

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Circular shell pendant with carved edges Mesoamerican 90.1447 shell
Ivory harpoon foreshaft Arctic, Inuit 83.1847 Ivory
Tuxcacuesco-Ortices style, a "Teco" variant, solid human figurine Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.3745 clay, slip, paint
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican; Vera Cruz 54.7909 clay
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican 54.7555 clay
Hano polychrome ceramic seed jar with "stylized bird" painted design Nampeyo Native American; Hopi Tewa 54.4423 clay, pigment
Ceramic bowl with painted zoomorphic designs Central American; Panamanian, Gran Coclé 54.3393 clay
Ceramic anthropomorphic fragment Mesoamerican; Aztec 54.7302 clay
Wooden club Arctic, Aleut 73.360 Wood
Ceramic human figure head fragment of head with tattooing Mesoamerican 54.7422 clay
Ixtlan del Rio style female ceramic funerary effigy sculpture Mesoamerican; West Mexican 54.4171 clay, slip, paint
Small clay "elbow" style pipe made for trade with a human effigy on bowl European 54.4521 clay
Jade effigy pendant Mesoamerican 61.8410 jade
Seated ceramic figure Mesoamerican; Ticoman 54.7651 clay
Ivory harpoon point Arctic, Inuit 83.1639 Ivory
Standard sized axe shaped smelted copper Mesoamerican; Tarascan 63.256 copper
Stone labret Arctic, Inuit 61.6941 Stone
Ceramic human figure head fragment Mesoamerican; Teotihuacan 54.7623 clay
Ivory effigy toggle Arctic, Inuit 83.1550 Ivory
Grooved and polished obsidian labret or lip plug Mesoamerican 61.8562 obsidian