Brown ceramic effigy bowl with everted rim and flat base |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6574 |
clay |
Miniature brown jar with ridges and an everted, angled rim |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6793 |
clay |
Mini brown ceramic jar with angled rim and round base |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6794 |
clay |
Brown ceramic jar with two handles and with two shell beads inside |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6836 |
clay, slip |
Brown ceramic beaker with upturned closed right hand handle |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6572 |
clay |
Brown ceramic jar with two small handles and four large nodules |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6533 |
clay |
Brown ceramic hooded water bottle with flat base |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6536 |
clay |
Red ceramic incised jar with unmodified rim and flat base |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6537 |
clay |
Large brown ceramic beaker with an unmodified rim |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6538 |
clay |
Red ceramic incised rim sherd with upturned right hand handle |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6541 |
clay |
Brown ceramic bowl with animal effigy head |
Unknown |
Native American |
54.6573 |
clay |
Piece of paint box, says "Blanc de Zinc, Zinc White, Blanco de Zinc" |
American |
TU2009.39.82e |
Red box containing ornamental oval frame with pinecone decorations |
American |
TU2009.39.116a-c |
Wooden box containing index file |
America |
TU2009.39.131 |
Black velvet jewelry box with peach satin lining |
American |
TU2009.39.215 |
Kahwis Bahateno |
Chase Earles |
Native American; Caddo |
54.20580 |
clay from the Red River with shell temper |
Black Caddo bottle with swirling incised designs |
Jeri Redcorn |
Native American; Caddo |
54.20581 |
clay |
Leather parfleche with painted geometric designs |
Carol King Rachlin, Unknown |
Native American; Plains |
89.207 |
hide, paint |
Frosted glass pitcher with graphic designed by Acee Blue Eagle |
Acee Blue Eagle, Joe Meeks |
Native American; Muscogee (Creek), Pawnee, Wichita |
57.514 |
glass |
Clear glass tumbler with an applied decal graphic of a crow dancer. |
Woodrow Wilson Crumbo |
Native American; Citizen Potawatomi |
57.513 |
glass, decal (polymer, dye) |