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Classification: Tools and Equipment

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Copper plate for 'Looking Seaward, Long Lane, East Hampton' Mary Nimmo Moran American 19.75 copper
Copper plate for 'The Borders of Lake Isabel - Florida' Mary Nimmo Moran American 19.73 copper
Copper plate for 'Gardiner Bay' Thomas Moran American 19.76 copper
Copper plate for 'Niagara - From the Canadian Side' Thomas Moran American 19.77 copper
Copper plate for 'Southampton, Village and Pond with Cows' Mary Nimmo Moran American 19.70 copper
Copper plate for 'The Haunted House, East Hampton' Mary Nimmo Moran American 19.71 copper
Copper plate for 'A Florida Forest' Mary Nimmo Moran American 19.72 copper
Copper plate for 'Point Isabel, Florida' Mary Nimmo Moran American 19.74 copper
Carved wooden bow with blue, gold, clear, and green beading Unidentified Native American 84.932 wood, glass, thread, cotton
Carved wooden Bois d' Arc bow Phil Cross Native American; Caddo 84.3529a wood (Bois d' Arc), hide (deer)
Circular miniature shield made of buckskin with painted design Unidentified Native American; Kiowa 84.1020 hide, paint
Dark brown leather collar with silver buckle and four holes American TU2009.39.79 leather, metal
Metal spur with six prongs radiating from center American TU2009.39.202 metal
Possible modeling tool that is wooden and shaped like a spool American TU2009.39.94 wood, string, wire, paper,
A large rectangular wooden palette with an oval thumb hole American TU2009.39.118 wood, traces of paint
Wooden ruler from Great Falls Commercial College American TU2009.39.237 wood
Nickel-plated copper alloy collapsible brush American TU2009.39.89 nickle plated copper alloy
Small model pack saddle American TU2009.39.178 wood, leather, metal, rawhide, cotton string
Spur with seven prongs with one movable piece attached to heel piece American TU2009.39.203 metal
Awl with wooden handle and four sided iron tip that is struck into a piece of cork to protect it American TU2009.39.95 wood, iron, cork