Maceo Peevyhouse, Cleo Petit Peevyhouse (Phillips), Willie Peevyhouse Davis, and Mildred Peevyhouse Williams |
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4327.10920 |
Four unidentified people; two elderly men standing on either side of an elderly woman and a man in a plaid bathroom seated in front of her in a wheelchair |
American |
4327.10418 |
Eleven unidentified individuals in a living room; processed by Jerome's Studio Photo Plant, 1339 N. Lansing, Tulsa, Oklahoma |
American |
4327.10892 |
Tulsa Race Massacre survivor, burned June 28, 1918 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mrs. Jeanette Bradshaw |
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4327.10506 |
Unidentified toddler standing on checkered flooring, copy 2 of 2 |
American |
4327.10944 |
Representative Maxine Waters, standing with Eddie Faye Gates holding her book "Riot on Greenwood" while visiting the capitol, Washington, District of Columbia; Copy 1 of 5 |
Maxine Moore Waters |
American |
4328.10958 |
Eddie Faye Gates and a group of unidentified individuals at a Tulsa Reparations Commission meeting |
Eddie Faye Gates |
American |
4328.10597 |
A view of downtown Tulsa from the Greenwood Cultural Center on Greenwood Avenue; Copy 1 of 2 |
Greenwood Cultural Center |
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4327.11070 |
An unidentified man at community meeting on Tulsa Race Massacre; Copy 1 of 2 |
American |
4328.11016 |
Johnette Mitchell and Mabelline Mitchell Jackson at the Ralph Ellison book review in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
American |
4327.10509 |
Survivor Thelma Thurman Knight in the law office of Michael Hausfeld, 1 of 19 lawyers for the Tulsa Race Massacre Reparations lawsuit |
American |
4328.10533 |
Six unidentified men wearing suits |
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4327.10320.009 |
The National Black Legislative Caucus 1987 Planning Youth Conference, Tulsa Press Club; Copy 2 of 5 |
National Alliance of Black School Educators, Eddie Faye Gates, Maxine Edwyna Cissel Horner |
American |
4327.10977 |
Ver-sa-tyl performing at the Bob Burton Tribute at Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma |
Gilcrease Museum, Bob Burton |
American |
4327.10862 |
William Christmas, of New Jersey, with Patricia Royal at the National Alliance of Black School Educators convention at the Loew's Anatole Hotel, in Dallas, Texas |
National Alliance of Black School Educators |
American |
4327.10678 |
Wilhelmina Guess Howell, niece of Dr. A.C. Jackson who was killed by mobsters in the Tulsa Race Riot, 1921; Copy 1 of 2 |
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4327.11054 |
An obscured individual, an unidentified woman, survivors Wess Young, Sr., Otis Granville Clark, and Thelma Thurman Knight, (all seated) with Raymond Knight, Eddie Faye Gates, and Representative Melvin "Mel" Luther Watt, and Representative Sheila Jackson L |
Melvin "Mel" L. Watt, Eddie Faye Gates |
American |
4328.10547 |
Former San Antonio, Texas Mayor Henry Cisneros, a keynote luncheon speaker for the 1991 Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries Racism Conference, held at the downtown Doubletree Hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma, autographs a program for the Tulsa Public Schools Area II Su |
Henry Gabriel Cisneros |
American |
4327.10459 |
Unidentified infant wearing a onsie and laying on top of blankets on a bed |
American |
4327.10331 |
LaTasha Mayberry, Erica Jones, and Tracye Taylor, of Edison High School, with Representative Don Ross, at the Human Rights Seminar in Tulsa, Oklahoma |
American |
4327.10694 |