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Collection: The Eddie Faye Gates Tulsa Race Massacre Collection

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Reverend Billy Jarrett American 4327.10376
A brick house in Perry, Oklahoma American 4327.10480
Eddie Faye Gates with three unidentified women at a book signing Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10602
Unidentified woman American 4327.10328
The "Fountain of the Four Rivers", Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy; Copy 1 of 2 American 4378.11060
A woman, Velma (no last name given), standing at a podium at a Tulsa Race Massacre program American 4328.10614
Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Louie Barton Williams, of Illinois American 4327.10503
Eddie Faye Gates standing in front of Bessemer Converter historical marker in Station Square in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10387
A threshing engine on display American 4327.10930
Eddie Faye Gates at a table with her books in a school gymnasium; Copy 1 of 2 Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.11050
Lloyd H. Williams, Jr. graduation photo at Williams residence American 4327.10311
Unidentified individuals around a fire pit in California American 4337.10856
Claudia Kolker, of the Houston Bureau of the L.A. Times, Eddie Faye Gates, Eldoris McCondichie, a massacre survivor, and Kavin Ross, Tulsa Race Riot 1921 videographer Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10662
Tulsa Race Massacre group (pictured clockwise left to right: Raymond Knight, Otis Granville Clark, Genevieve Tillman-Jackson, Karen Jackson Simpson, Wess Young, Sr., Robert Holloway and his wife Anita Holloway) with Eddie Faye Gates on a chartered bus to Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10528
Johnnie Cochran standing at the head of a long table of people, Eddie Faye Gates seated on the right at a meeting at the Supreme Court building, in Washington, District of Columbia; Copy 1 of 2 Eddie Faye Gates, Johnnie Lee Cochran American 4328.10974
Survivors Wess Young, Sr., Otis Granville Clark, and Thelma Thurman Knight on their way to the United States Supreme Court in Washington, District of Columbia American 4328.10523
Mildred Peevyhouse Williams standing next to an unidentified man and woman American 4327.10320.005
Salute to Congressman George Thomas "Mickey" Leland; pictured is Alice Raines, mother of Mickey Leland, Eddie Faye Gates, and Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, at the National Alliance of Black School Educators convention at Loew's Anatole Hotel, in D National Alliance of Black School Educators, George Thomas "Mickey" Leland, Eddie Faye Gates, Eddie Bernice Johnson American 4327.10674
Unidentified individuals boarding a Polish Airlines plane American 4377.10718
Eddie Faye Gates in purple suit standing in front of a fountain and historical monument - Bessemer Converter with a plaque attached to one of the legs of the Bessemer converter, with three unidentified little girls in the Bessemer Courtyard in Station Squ Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10578