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Collection: The Eddie Faye Gates Tulsa Race Massacre Collection

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Unidentified individuals boarding a bus in winter in New York City American 4327.10700
Karen Jackson Simpson and massacre survivor Genevieve Tillman-Jackson in Washington, District of Columbia American 4328.10532
The Mt. Zion Baptist Church, in Tulsa, Oklahoma for the 75th Anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre American 4327.10464
Book authors Brenda Perry, Johnnie P. Stevenson, and Eddie Faye Gates at the Oklahoma History Center for the Black History Program Lecture Eddie Faye Gates, Johnnie P. Stevenson, Oklahoma History Center American 4328.10569
Montgomery West with unidentified young girl American 4327.10337
Robert Holloway with his wife Anita, of San Francisco Bay Area, California with Representative Maxine Waters; Copy 3 of 4 Maxine Moore Waters American 4328.10983
Troy Petit, Sr. with Eddie Faye Gates, an education award recipient, and Troy Petit, Jr. at the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries Racism Conference, at the convention center in Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10687
Eddie Faye Gates with Dr. Louis Ballard, a Native American speaker, writer, and composer at the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries Racism Conference, at the Downtown Doubletree Hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma Louis W. Ballard, Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10688
Senator Maxine Horner, Attallah Shabazz, the daughter of Malcom X, and Representative Don Ross, at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma Maxine Edwyna Cissel Horner, Attallah Shabbaz, Greenwood Cultural Center American 4327.10812
Eddie Faye Gates (off-camera on the left) and survivors Wess Young, Sr., and Otis Granville Clark sitting at a bar in Washington, District of Columbia Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10563
Eddie Faye Gates, her family, and musician and Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Hal "Cornbread" Singer with his wife, in Paris, France; Copy 1 of 5 Eddie Faye Gates, Harold "Hal" Joseph Singer American 4378.11062
Mildred Peevyhouse Williams American 4327.10397
Two unidentified men American 4327.10355
Eddie Faye Gates, pictured second from the left, and three unidentified individuals at the Metropolitan Tulsa Urban League community support group meeting Eddie Faye Gates, Metropolitan Tulsa Urban League American 4327.10736
Diane Schur on stage American 4327.10642
Eddie Faye and Norman Gates at a family picnic Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10936
Eddie Faye Gates with Mabel B. Little, autographing her book, and an unidentified individual at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates, Mabel B. Little, Greenwood Cultural Center American 4327.10824
Tulsa Race Massacre survivor William Harold Woods and Cledie Lee Woods in Portland, Oregon American 4338.10496
Four people in front of a two-story, white building with four mailboxes on the front; one unidentified woman is seated on the left on a short stool, with another unidentified woman standing next to her in a black dress with her arm on the shoulder of an u American 4327.10419
Unidentified individual with Eddie Faye Gates at the dedication ceremony of John Hope Franklin Boulevard in Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates, John Hope Franklin American 4327.10867