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Collection: The Eddie Faye Gates Tulsa Race Massacre Collection

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Eddie Faye Gates, with Tulsa Race Massacre survivors Samuel Walker and his wife, and daughter, Joyce Walker Hill in Kansas City, Missouri Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10492
Bravford Marsolis performing at McLain High School, Tulsa, Oklahoma American 4327.10714
Eddie Faye Gates holding her book "Riot on Greenwood" with 3 unidentified individuals Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10570
Norman and Eddie Faye Gates at home in Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10449
Mildred Peevyhouse Williams, copy 1 of 2 American 4327.10937
Jo Pearl Jarrett waiting on a customer in Jarrett's Grocery American 4327.10366
Senator Maxine Horner, Attallah Shabazz, the daughter of Malcom X, and Representative Don Ross, at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma Maxine Edwyna Cissel Horner, Attallah Shabbaz, Greenwood Cultural Center American 4327.10812
Mercer Ellington performing with The Duke Ellington Orchestra in Tulsa, Oklahoma Mercer Kennedy Ellington, Duke Ellington Orchestra American 4327.10656
Dr. Melvin Todd with Eddie Faye Gates at a Ralph Ellison book review in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10508
Unidentified woman and child American 4328.10898
Mildred Peevyhouse Williams American 4327.10397
Three unidentified individuals American 4327.10875
Unidentified man and woman in formal dress American 4327.10319.001
Eddie Faye Gates, and her son Kevin Jerome Gates, with Johnnie Cochran, taken in Tulsa, Oklahoma; Copy 2 of 5 Eddie Faye Gates, Johnnie Lee Cochran American 4328.10946
Diane Schur on stage American 4327.10642
Willie Peevyhouse Davis standing on steps waving a hat American 4327.10401
Survivors Anita and Robert Holloway, Thelma Thurman Knight, Raymond Knight, and Wess Young, Sr., being welcomed as guest of the United States Congress in Washington, District of Columbia American 4328.10541
Eddie Faye Gates, her family, and musician and Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Hal "Cornbread" Singer with his wife, in Paris, France; Copy 4 of 5 Harold "Hal" Joseph Singer, Eddie Faye Gates American 4378.11065
Four people in front of a two-story, white building with four mailboxes on the front; one unidentified woman is seated on the left on a short stool, with another unidentified woman standing next to her in a black dress with her arm on the shoulder of an u American 4327.10419
Michelle and (Mike) Papa at Wye Mountain in Bigelow, Arkansas American 4327.10924