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Collection: The Eddie Faye Gates Tulsa Race Massacre Collection

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Unidentified woman standing in front of a tree with leaves on the ground American 4327.10411
Patricia Royal, of New Jersey, with Eddie Faye Gates at the National Alliance of Black School Educators convention at the Loew's Anatole Hotel, in Dallas, Texas Eddie Faye Gates, National Alliance of Black School Educators American 4327.10677
Unidentified cameramen interviewing Eddie Faye Gates, holding her book "Riot on Greenwood" while standing near the Supreme Court building in Washington, District of Columbia Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10558
Senator Enoch K. Haney, Senator Maxine Horner and Eddie Faye Gates at the Greenwood Cultural Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma Maxine Edwyna Cissel Horner, Eddie Faye Gates, Greenwood Cultural Center American 4327.10825
Henry Cisneros, former San Antonio, Texas Mayor and keynote luncheon speaker at the 1991 Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry Racism Conference, held at the downtown Doubletree Hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma Henry Gabriel Cisneros, Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10458
Three unidentified individuals American 4328.10582
James Steward holding "sacred" brick used to break window during riot so the Steward family could escape their burning home American 4328.10448
Meredith and unidentified child American 4327.10868
Unidentified woman in a white dress American 4327.10427
Eddie Faye Gates, an Education award recipient, meeting Coretta Scott King, a keynote speaker, at the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries Racism Conference, at the convention center in Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates, Coretta Scott King American 4327.10693
Eddie Faye Gates giving the keynote speech at the Young Authors Conference for Middle School at Rogers University, Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10702
Eddie Faye Gates lecturing to students at the New Concept Prep School, Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10711
Beryl Anita Williams (daughter of Mildred Peevyhouse-Williams) American 4327.10313
Michael Rosenbaum, Senior Producer for 60 Minutes II, with Eddie Faye Gates Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10478
An unidentified woman American 4327.10606
Eddie Faye Gates with unidentified individuals Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10475
Elsbery, age 17 American 4327.10349
An unidentified speaker, with five unidentified people and Mark Stodghill seated facing the podium during a Tulsa Race Riot program American 4328.10618
Ernie Fields, jazz artist in Tulsa, OK, and his orchestra Ernie Fields Orchestra, Ernie Fields American 4327.10364
Terryk Petit American 4328.10895