Letter to "Friend Engles" from Pawnee Bill |
American |
3827.8432 |
Letter and envelope from Leigh to his mother describing good progress in painting class and attending a concert by Sarasate |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
3876.2319 |
ink on paper |
"Did you ever see a raccoon dance?" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.2496 |
pencil on paper |
Newspaper photos of William R. Leigh's paintings "Patient", "Struggle for Existence" and a Navaho girl |
American |
4127.760.50 |
Announcement in German honoring William R. Leigh's painting of figures in the world-famous Panorama of the Crucifixion of Christ at Jerusalem |
American |
4027.8520.24 |
Envelope from William Leigh in Munich, Germany addressed to his mother in California |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
3876.8515 |
Letter with envelope from Leigh to Mother describing sketching in Rothenburg and farmers with their pigs at market |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
3876.2120 |
ink on paper |
"The Painted Desert" with note 'The only version which is correct' |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.400-.2 |
ink on paper |
"Two Acorns" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.387 |
ink on paper |
Newspaper clipping from Rolling Fork, Miss. Pilot with photo of Leigh's "The Master Hand" |
American |
4117.763.3 |
Newspaper clipping "Borah Scorches Heflin's Bigotry" |
American |
4127.734 |
Letter from William Seward, Huntington Press, to Mrs. Leigh regarding proposed portfolio on African Hall field studies and window displays for "The Western Pony" |
American |
3827.2739 |
Brief prose on "The Survival of the Fittest" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.8437.17 |
pencil on paper |
Catalogue for the American Watercolor Society's 95th Annual Exhibition |
American |
5127.1035 |
Page from "Long Island Forum" with article on Leigh's work "Americana, History and Horseflesh…New York Show of W.R. Leigh's Paintings" |
American |
5027.4387 |
"As I go walking down the street" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4027.3521.1-.5 |
"Blue Pants" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.2474-.1 |
ink on paper |
Letter from A.N. Blazer to G.F. Valtee regarding internal combustion engine |
American |
3837.8336 |
ink on paper |
Lower part of article from "The New York Times Book Review", "An Artist's Memories of Africa" with drawing of William R. Leigh's Lion Guarding Kill" from his book |
American |
4127.760.17-.18 |
Handwritten diary of Leigh's trip to Wyoming written inside a McCutchon Drawing Tablet |
American |
4027.8530a |