Newspaper article from "New York Herald Tribune Books", "True Picture of a Weird World" with photos of drawings of African wildlife by William R. Leigh |
American |
4127.760.14 |
"The World War - Why?" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4027.8520.12 |
Letter with envelope from Leigh in Kenya to Ethel describing their adventures in travel toward Nairobi |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
3867.2552 |
Essay on 1938 current world affairs and religion |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.8437.25-32 |
pencil on paper |
Caption for Leigh's painting "The Culprit" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.2374 |
ink on paper |
Two newspaper "Book A Day" reviews of William R. Leigh's book "Frontiers of Enchantment" |
American |
4127.760.33 |
A review of "Buffalo Drive", a painting by William R. Leigh |
Berkeley Williams, Jr. |
American |
4027.8520.27 |
Envelope associated with letter 3876.2458 |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
3876.2461 |
Tract and advertisement for "The False 'Shakespeare Epitaph" |
American |
5327.536.1-.2 |
ink on paper |
"Let Us Not Despond" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.2493-.2 |
ink on paper |
Newspaper article from "The Dallas Morning News", "West's Art Needs Size, Dean of Painters Says" with photo of William R. Leigh and wife, Ethel |
American |
4127.760.5-.6 |
Time magazine cover |
American |
5017.4378-.1 |
"Scribner's Magazine" containing Leigh's "The Coward" |
American |
5027.4363 |
"An American Artist's Tribute to Ireland" |
American |
5327.538.1-.2 |
ink on paper |
Draft of "The Club-Foot Mind" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.386 |
ink on paper |
Newspaper clipping of article "Historic Moment at Jamestown Relived in Painting by W.R. Leigh with image of "Pocahontas" the Rescue of Captain John Smith |
American |
4117.763.2 |
"When I Was Four" |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
4017.2491 |
Article and photo of William R. Leigh's "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" on display at the Old North Church in Boston |
American |
5027.4369 |
ink on paper |
Reminder note of an appointment |
American |
5327.113 |
Front cover of the American Rifleman |
American |
5027.4386 |