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DCI Events: historical reference

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Mary Street Walton in Tulsa, Oklahoma American 4327.10495
Three people standing in front of two house in Denver, Colorado, the person in middle is Cleo Peevyhouse-Phillips American 4327.10413
Dr. Scott Ellsworth, Representative Maxine Waters, Ralph Knight, the son of survivor Thelma Thurman Knight, and Eddie Faye Gates in Washington, District of Columbia; Copy 4 of 7 Scott Ellsworth, Maxine Moore Waters, Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.11039
Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Carrie Cudjoe (left) and unidentified woman American 4327.10497
Eddie Faye Gates and Dr. Vivian Clark Adams American 4328.10616
A group of unidentified individuals at a Tulsa Reparations Committee Meeting, with Eddie Faye Gates, Mark Stodghill, the chair of the Tulsa Reparations Committee, and Johnnie Cochran, leading reparations lawyer Eddie Faye Gates, Johnnie Lee Cochran American 4327.10511
Tulsa Race Massacre survivor, Thelma Thurman Knight American 4327.10500
An unidentified man seated a a community meeting for the Tulsa Race Massacre American 4328.11000
Ernestine Gibbs, of California and a massacre survivor, lawyer Adjoa Aiyetoro, Essie Beck, massacre survivor, and Eddie Faye Gates, and Mrs. Beck's son Eddie Faye Gates, Adjoa Aiyetoro American 4328.10519
Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Effie Todd American 4327.10505
Eddie Faye Gates giving a talk at City Hall in Tulsa, Oklahoma, photograph by Kavin Ross Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10659
Survivor Robert Holloway with Representative Sheila Jackson Lee American 4328.10544
Dr. Melvin Todd with Eddie Faye Gates at a Ralph Ellison book review in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10508
Eddie Faye Gates giving a talk at City Hall in Tulsa, Oklahoma, photograph by Kavin Ross Eddie Faye Gates American 4328.10660
Eddie Faye Gates presenting her book "Miz Lucy's Cookies" at the Tulsa Centennial celebration Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10572
Unidentified man talking to survivor Wess Young, Sr., in Washington, District of Columbia American 4328.10531
Eddie Faye Gates with Ron Gilliam (interveners NAACP suit) at Juneteenth on Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10636
A train American 4327.10592
D.C. Senior, D.C. Junior, and A.H. Phillips seated on the back bumper of a car with a Texas license plate American 4327.10591
Reverend Andrew Young, the Keynote speaker for the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry Racism Conference and Ruford Henderson, with two unidentified men at the Convention Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma Andrew Jackson Young American 4327.10574