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DCI Places: Ok

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Eddie Faye Gatees at Edison High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma wearing 1950s Tuskegee Institute, Alabama clothes; Copy 2 of 3 Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.11048
Eddie Faye Gates with Don Ross holding a campaign sign running for State Representative Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10453
Eddie Faye Gates giving the keynote speech at the Young Authors Conference for Middle School at Rogers University, Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10709
The Frisco Railroad, that separated the white and black residents of Tulsa Frisco Railroad Tracks American 4327.11052
Eddie Faye Gates lecturing to students at the New Concept Prep School, Tulsa, Oklahoma Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10711
Ashley and Adrian President, grandchildren of Eddie Faye Gates, on trip to Tulsa; Copy 2 of 3 American 4327.11079
Eddie Faye Gates holding a basket of food with two unidentified individuals Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10712
Eight unidentified people seated at a Tulsa Race Massacre program American 4328.10620
Dyanne Mason, Executive Director, Tulsa Department of Human Rights, and Dr. Vivian Clark of Tulsa at the Human Rights Awards at the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Oklahoma State Capitol American 4327.10695
Massacre survivor, Otis Granville Clark; Copy 2 of 2 American 4328.10995
Ernie Fields, jazz artist in Tulsa, OK, and his orchestra Ernie Fields Orchestra, Ernie Fields American 4327.10364
News release from Grand Central Art Galleries regarding Leigh's exhibition "Eight Decades in Review" American 5327.276 ink on paper
Gov. Doctor's residence, Osage Agency Unknown Native American, Osage 4326.4307
101 Ranch Help Wanted Newspaper Advertisement American 4117.693