Eddie Faye Gatees at Edison High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma wearing 1950s Tuskegee Institute, Alabama clothes; Copy 2 of 3 |
Eddie Faye Gates |
American |
4327.11048 |
Eddie Faye Gates with Don Ross holding a campaign sign running for State Representative |
Eddie Faye Gates |
American |
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Eddie Faye Gates giving the keynote speech at the Young Authors Conference for Middle School at Rogers University, Tulsa, Oklahoma |
Eddie Faye Gates |
American |
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The Frisco Railroad, that separated the white and black residents of Tulsa |
Frisco Railroad Tracks |
American |
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Eddie Faye Gates lecturing to students at the New Concept Prep School, Tulsa, Oklahoma |
Eddie Faye Gates |
American |
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Ashley and Adrian President, grandchildren of Eddie Faye Gates, on trip to Tulsa; Copy 2 of 3 |
American |
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Eddie Faye Gates holding a basket of food with two unidentified individuals |
Eddie Faye Gates |
American |
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Eight unidentified people seated at a Tulsa Race Massacre program |
American |
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Dyanne Mason, Executive Director, Tulsa Department of Human Rights, and Dr. Vivian Clark of Tulsa at the Human Rights Awards at the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma State Capitol |
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Massacre survivor, Otis Granville Clark; Copy 2 of 2 |
American |
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Ernie Fields, jazz artist in Tulsa, OK, and his orchestra |
Ernie Fields Orchestra, Ernie Fields |
American |
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News release from Grand Central Art Galleries regarding Leigh's exhibition "Eight Decades in Review" |
American |
5327.276 |
ink on paper |
Gov. Doctor's residence, Osage Agency |
Unknown |
Native American, Osage |
4326.4307 |
101 Ranch Help Wanted Newspaper Advertisement |
American |
4117.693 |