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Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Three unidentified people standing in front of trees next to a building American 4327.10334
Mildred Peevyhouse Williams (center) seated with two unidentified males American 4327.10298
Mildred Peevyhouse Williams standing between floral arrangements American 4327.10300
Lloyd H. Williams, Jr. graduation photo at Williams residence American 4327.10311
Mildred Peevyhouse Williams and Dr. Lloyd H. Williams with unidentified child posing in front of house American 4327.10312
Three unidentified women in formal dress American 4327.10319.005
Three unidentified women standing in front of a house between two small trees American 4327.10409
Print by Monroe Studio, Tulsa Oklahoma, of M.J West and J.E. Hardy with 7 unidentified young boys American 4327.10424
An unidentified individual sitting in a chair on the porch of a house with Eddie Faye Gates Eddie Faye Gates American 4327.10587
Three women standing in front of a house, Cleo Petit Peevyhouse-Phillips in the middle American 4327.10330
Willie Peevyhouse Davis standing between two unidentified men in suits American 4327.10403
Willard and Sophie Stone's 40th Wedding Anniversary invitation Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 5327.847 ink on paper
Subscription campaign mailer for The Shakespeare Theatre, New York City American 5327.536.12 ink on paper
Newspaper article about death of Leigh at 88 American 5327.533.14 ink on paper
News release from Grand Central Art Galleries regarding Leigh's painting "Writing the Epitaph" American 5327.276.7-.9 ink on paper
Greenwood LeFleur Home, Malmaison, MS Unknown Native American, Choctaw 5327.545
Gov. Doctor's residence, Osage Agency Unknown Native American, Osage 4326.4307
Home of the Col. Phillips during Civil War Unknown Native American, Cherokee 4326.3696a-b
Quanah Parker W. E. Irvin Native American, Comanche 4326.4958
B. M. Bower's 'Chip, of the Flying U' American TU2009.39.8273 paper