William M. Harnett / edited by Doreen Bolger, Marc Simpson, and John Wilmerding, with the assistance of Thayer Tolles Mickel. |
Harnett, William Michael, 1848-1892. |
ND237.H315 A4 1992 |
Frederick William MacMonnies (1863-1937), Mary Fairchild MacMonnies (1858-1946) : deux artistes amřicains ̉ Giverny, 18 juin 1988-11 septembre 1988, Musě Municipal A.-G. Poulain-Vernon. |
N6537.M315 A4 1988 |
New world of wonders : European images of the Americas, 1492-1700 / edited by Rachel Doggett, with Monique Hulvey and Julie Ainsworth. |
Doggett, Rachel, ed. |
E18.82 .N48 1992 |
Untitled (N6538.A4 A7 1993) |
N6538.A4 A7 1993 |
Discovered lands, invented pasts : transforming visions of the American West / Jules David Prown ... [et al.]. |
N8214.5.U6 D57 1992 |
The cubist epoch / Douglas Cooper. |
Cooper, Douglas, 1911- |
N6494.C8 C6 |
The Hewitt collection : celebration and vision : the Hewitt collection of African-American art / Todd D. Smith. |
Smith, Todd D. |
N6538.N5 S65x 1999 |
Solomon Nunes Carvalho : painter, photographer, and prophet in nineteenth century America. |
ND237.C29 S66 1989 |
Ominous hush : the thunderstorm paintings of Martin Johnson Heade / by Sarah Cash with technical notes by Claire M. Barry. |
Cash, Sarah. |
ND237.H39 A4 1994 |
Untitled (NB237.M3 A4 1989) |
NB237.M3 A4 1989 |
American originals : selections from Reynolda House, Museum of American Art / essay by Charles C. Eldredge catalog by Barbara B. Millhouse with the assistance of Robert Workman. |
Reynolda House. |
ND205 .A657 1990 |
Painted tipis by contemporary Plains Indian artists. / With an introd. by Myles Libhart and Rosemary Ellison. Blackfeet tipi legends by Cecile Black Boy. An exhibition organized by the Indian Arts and Crafts Board of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior. |
E78.G73 P33 |
Painting in the South, 1564-1980 / introduction by Ella-Prince Knox essays by Donald B. Kuspit ... [et al.] catalogue compiled by David S. Bundy. |
ND220 .P34 1983 |
Abstract painting and sculpture in America, 1927-1944 / edited by John R. Lane and Susan C. Larsen. |
N6512.5.A2 A27 |
John James Audubon in the West : the last expedition : mammals of North America / Sarah E. Boehme with essays by Annette Blaugrund, Robert McCracken Peck, and Ron Tyler. |
Boehme, Sarah E. |
QL31.A9 B65 2000 |
Frederic Edwin Church / Franklin Kelly, with Stephen Jay Gould, James Anthony Ryan, Debora Rindge. |
Kelly, Franklin. |
ND237.C52 A4 1989 |
William Penhallow Henderson : master colorist of Santa Fe. |
Henderson, William Penhallow, 1877-1943. |
N6537.H387 A4 1984 |
R. Brownell McGrew : Laguna Beach Museum of Art, presented by the Thunderbird Foundation, August, 1978. |
McGrew, Ralph Brownell, 1916- |
N6537.M334 A4 1978 |
Masters of color and light : Homer, Sargent, and the American watercolor movement / Linda S. Ferber and Barbara Dayer Gallati. |
Ferber, Linda S. |
ND1807 .F47 1998 |
Modern by tradition : American Indian painting in the studio style / Bruce Bernstein, W. Jackson Rushing. |
Bernstein, Bruce. |
E78.N65 B38 1995 |