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Library Subject: Exhibitions

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
101 masterpieces of American primitive painting / from the collection of Edgar William & Bernice Chrysler Garbisch. Foreword by James J. Rorimer. Pref. by John Walker. Introd. by Albert Ten Eyck Gardner. Garbisch, Edgar William. ND207 .G3
American folk art from the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection. NK807 .A35 1959
Frank W. Benson : the impressionist years : a loan exhibition for the benefit of the Graduate School's Fellowship Fund in Art History, Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York, 11 May-11 June 1988 / essays by John Wilmerdin Benson, Frank Weston, 1862-1951. ND237.B4595 A4 1988
Thomas Eakins and the swimming picture / edited by Doreen Bolger and Sarah Cash. ND237.E15 A74 1996
Reckoning with Winslow Homer : his late paintings and their influence / Bruce Robertson. Robertson, Bruce, 1955- ND237.H7 A4 1990
Sentimental journey : the art of Alfred Jacob Miller / Lisa Strong. Strong, Lisa Maria, 1966- N6537.M54 .S76 2008
Samuel F.B. Morse, educator and champion of the arts in America. N6537.M66 A4 1982
American narrative painting : [exhibition, October 1-November 17, 1974] / catalog notes by Nancy Wall Moure essay by Donelson F. Hoopes. Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall. ND1451 .M68
Impressionism in America : the Ten American Painters / Ulrich W. Hiesinger. Hiesinger, Ulrich W., 1943- ND210.5.I4 H53 1991
Native faces : Indian cultures in American art : from the collections of the Los Angeles Athletic Club and the Southwest Museum / Patricia Trenton and Patrick Houlihan. Trenton, Patricia. E89 .T74 1984
Thomas Hart Benton : drawing from life / Henry Adams. Adams, Henry, 1949- NC139.B45 A4 1990
Thomas Eakins : the rowing pictures / Helen A. Cooper with contributions by Martin A. Berger, Christina Currie, Amy B. Werbel. Cooper, Helen A. ND237.E15 C66 1996
Winslow Homer's images of Blacks : the Civil War and Reconstruction years / Peter H. Wood, Karen C.C. Dalton introduction by Richard J. Powell. Wood, Peter H., 1943- ND237.H7 A4 1988a
Art of the Maya civilization : exhibition, September 4 to October 5, 1957 at the Martin Widdifield Gallery. Martin Widdifield Gallery. F1435.3.A7 .M268 1957
Creation's journey : Native American identity and belief / edited by Tom Hill and Richard W. Hill, Sr. E98.A7 C74 1994
Celebrating Florida : works of art from the Vickers Collection / edited by Gary R. Libby. ND1460.F58 C45 1996
Paris 1889 : American artists at the Universal Exposition / Annette Blaugrund with essays by Annette Blaugrund ... [et al.]. ND210 .P27 1989
American light : the luminist movement, 1850-1875 : paintings, drawings, photographs / [edited by] John Wilmerding, with contributions by Lisa Fellows Andrus ... [et al.]. N8214.5.U6 A47 1980
Untitled (N6537.B457 A4 1980) N6537.B457 A4 1980
Thomas Eakins : artist of Philadelphia / Darrel Sewell. Sewell, Darrel, 1939- ND237.E15 A4 1982