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Library Subject: Indians of North America

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
The life & art of the North American Indian / John Anson Warner. Warner, John Anson. E98.A7 W34
Art of the American Indian frontier : the Chandler-Pohrt Collection / David W. Penney with essays by Richard A. Pohrt, Milford G. Chandler, and George P. Horse Capture. Penney, David W. E98.A7 A77 1992
Buffalo hunt / Russell Freedman. E78.G73 F73 1988
Handbook of North American Indians / Warren L. D'Azevedo, volume editor. William C. Sturtevant, general editor. E77 .H25
The New World : the first pictures of America / made by John White and Jacques Le Moyne and engraved by Theodore de Bry with contemporary narratives of the Huguenot settlement in Florida, 1562-1565, and the Virginia colony, 1585-1590 edited and annota Lorant, Stefan, Ed. E141 .L67
American Indian policy in crisis : Christian reformers and the Indian, 1865-1900 / by Francis Paul Prucha. Prucha, Francis Paul. E93 .P964
Between two fires : American Indians in the Civil War / Laurence M. Hauptman. Hauptman, Laurence M. E540.13 .H38 1995
People of the lakes / by the editors of Time-Life Books. E78.G7 P43 1994
George Catlin and the old frontier. McCracken, Harold, 1894- ND237.C35 M3 1959
Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States : collected and prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, per act of Congress of March 3d, 1847 / by Henry R. Schoolcraft published Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. E77 .S381
500 nations : an illustrated history of North American Indians / Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. Josephy, Alvin M., 1915- E77 .J787 1994
The Native Americans : an illustrated history / introduction by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. text by David Hurst Thomas ... [et al.] edited by Betty Ballantine, Ian Ballantine. E77 .N352 1993
Dictionary of the American Indian / by John L. Stoutenburgh, Jr. Stoutenburgh, John Leeds, 1921- E77 .S84 1960
Untitled (E58 .M17) E58 .M17
State and reservation : new perspectives on federal Indian policy / edited by George Pierre Castile and Robert L. Bee. E93 .S75 1992
Indians of North America / Geoffrey Turner. Turner, Geoffrey. E77 .T939
Indian running : native American history & tradition / Peter Nabokov photographs of the 1980 Tricentennial Run by Karl Kernberger. Nabokov, Peter. E98.G2 N33 1987
Indian history for young folks / by Francis S. Drake with numerous illustrations. Drake, Francis S. (Francis Samuel), 1828-1885. E77 .D73
Scalps and tomahawks narratives of Indian captivity. Drimmer, Frederick, E85 .D78
The Indian in America / by Wilcomb E. Washburn. Washburn, Wilcomb E. E77 .W385 1975