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Library Subject: Sources

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Untitled (KF8205 .P78) KF8205 .P78
The view from officers' row : army perceptions of western Indians / Sherry L. Smith. Smith, Sherry Lynn. E78.W5 S67 1990
This country was ours a documentary history of the American Indian / by Virgil J. Vogel. Vogel, Virgil J. E77.2 .V63 1972
The American story : who, what, when, where, why of our nation's heritage. E174.5 .A49 2000
Innocent blood : essential narratives of the Mountain Meadows Massacre / edited by David L. Bigler and Will Bagley. F826 .I56 2008
Washita memories : eyewitness views of Custer's attack on Black Kettle's village / compiled and edited by Richard G. Hardorff. E83.869 .W37 2006 copy 2
Major problems in the history of the American West : documents and essays / edited by Clyde A. Milner II. F591 .M22 1989
Untitled (E99.P9 K59 1995) E99.P9 K59 1995
I have spoken American history through the voices of the Indians. / Introd. by Frederick W. Turner III. Armstrong, Virginia Irving. E98.O7 A74
Great documents in American Indian history. / Edited by Wayne Moquin, with Charles van Doren. Afterword by Robert Powless. Moquin, Wayne, E77.2 .M66
Plains & Rockies, 1800-1865 : One hundred twenty proposed additions to the Wagner-Camp and Becker bibliography of travel and adventure in the American West: with 33 selected reprints / compiled and annontated by David A. White. White, David A. F591 .W44 2001
Native American testimony : a chronicle of Indian-white relations from prophecy to the present, 1492-1992 / edited by Peter Nabokov with a foreword by Vine Deloria, Jr. E93 .N3 1991