Inscribed in type, “#12 Legend of White Buffalo and Corn In the valley stood a buffalo. The hunter saw that it was white, an omen he said. He would not shoot. All day he watched. The buffalo did not move. It stood facing north, the next day facing south, then facing east, then west. Four days the hunter watched: then no buffalo. The hunter went into valley, where the buffalo had stood he saw a green sprout. He said, “A gift from the Great Spirit.” None w ould [sic] touch. A guard was placed. Rains came, tall grew the sprout, the tassel, the ear. Wise men talked. “Who will touch it?” All have a great fear! A young man said, “I have done nothing for my people, if I die I w ill [sic] not be missed, let it be me.” They prayed. He touched, he tasted: he said, “Good, good”. A dance w as [sic] given celebrating the gift of the corn. JIMALEE BURTON HO-CHEE-NEE” on attached piece of paper in upper right on verso
Signed by hand in paint, "JIMALEE BURTON HO-CHEE-NEE" in lower right on recto