April 2, 1931. Mr. Irwin S. Barrie, Grand Central Art Galleries 15 Vanderbilt Ave., New York City. Dear Mr. Barrie: Your letter of March 24th re- ceived. It would be fine to be able to grant your request for the bronze, by Charlie, entitled, “The Twister,” but $400.00 does not leave me in the clear. If the organization cares to give me $500.00, I will accept it and feel that I have helped you in your making up the list for the Founders’ Exhibition. It is not necessary to tell you the hundred and one expenses in holding and exhibiting bronzes because you know all about it, so can understand why I cannot accept $400.00. Wishing you all success, I am Sincerely, NCR:ED
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-06-26]