December 14, 1920. Mr. M.S. MacKay, 14—Wall Street, New York City. My Dear Friend:- Your letter of Dec. 8th received this morning and I have just written to Mr. Babcock regarding our exhibition. I am afraid he will think we are fooling him when we have so few pictures to show but, “Honest Injun”, the pictures do go, and Charley’s Year’s out-put has been three pictures which are all wonderful, and we are going to take them to New York for approval of people who wanted something along the line of these. We haven’t any small pictures but I certainly would like to have what we have exhibited at Babcock’s and have written him to that effect. It sounds good to us to know that you would like to have us make our camp in your tepee, and we will sure spend all the spare time we can with you, but this old man of mine has got to work, so I think we will have to stay in New York and go to you on week ends or whenever it is possible to get away. Charley and I have talked about your design over the fire-place and [he/I] think she is turning his imagination loose as you suggested, but he thinks plaster would not be permanent and would be almost impossible to repair if it did break. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to see the little Italian that did Charley’s last bronze and have this plate made in bronze? I do not think he would charge a great deal and then we could destroy the mould and Charley would be there to touch up the original and you would have something that could never be destroyed and could be moved if you ever wanted to. I am telling you this so that you can think it over and if you want to sometime go into the bronze foundry of Benjamin Zoppo, 3002 Park Ave., and see what he would make the relief that size for, or approximately. We are planning to leave here early in January and hope to be in New York the last two weeks in January and are planning to strike back and spend three months in California. I had a letter from Lady Helen and I am really going to write to her. Charley and I both thank you for all the nice things you have done for us and weeareusure[sic] looking forward to seeing you in a very few weeks. Prepare yourself for a shock. The price on the Russell pictures that will be in New York this winter range from $1800 to $10,000. I wanted to tell you this so that you wouldn’t think we are buncoing[sic] Babcock. Charley joins me in love to you all. Sincerely, NCR-F
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2012-08-22]