April 28, 1939. Mrs. Charles M. Russell, 725 Michigan Blvd., Pasadena, Calif. Dear Mrs. Russell: You will perhaps recall that I live at #1355 S. El Molino Avenue in Pasadena and have one of Mr. Rus- sell’s paintings, which we have always called – “Fools build fires.” I am told that this is one of Mr. Russell’s out- standing pictures and am writing to ask if you have any knowledge of the picture – the approximate value at the present time and whether or not you could re- fer me to any one that might be interested in acquir- ing this gorgeous painting. I am sorry to bother you but you can rest assured if an occasion ever presents itself I will be glad to reciprocate. In the meantime, I beg remain, Yours very truly, [signed] RH Collins Rm 614, 621 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, California.
[Transcribed by Lauren B. Gerfen, 2011-11-02]