Two Photos of Unknown Groups of Men

Scope and Content Notes
Two black and white photographs of Unknown Groups of Men. a: Hand written on the back unintelligible lists of names. From 262.236a Two Photos on one page. Top image is a group of men at a celebration at Theodore Gibson's Great Falls backyard. Big Rock stands between Charles M. Russell and E. H. Cooney, postmaster, Linderman is on the left in a buckskin shirt, and Theo Gibson is sitting in front of Charles M. Russell. Bottom image is of a group of men linedup and posing in an office. Some of the men include Geo Sherley, Cal Hubbard, W.E. Frary, Geo [Talbert?], Percy Raban, Charles M. Russell, unknown, Theo Gibson, and another unknown.
Archival Location
- Collection: Charles M. Russell Research Collection (Britzman)
- ↳ Photo Album