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Object Type: Letter

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Letter from S. H. Mayes to the Honorable George Benge George W. Benge Native American, Cherokee 4026.5492
From Charles M. Russell to Mrs. Tobe Charles Marion Russell American TU2009.39.522
Letter to Thomas Moran from Mrs. Emery Grant about admiring Moran's work American 3827.825.1 ink on paper
Personal letter to R.F. Pitchlynn from Pitchlynn 4026.3600 ink on paper
Letter from Leigh to A.N. Blazer requesting details of Mescalero tales for stories Leigh wants to write to sell American 3837.2638
Letter from W. H. Hendricks in Fort Gibson, Indian Territory to the Cherokee Delegation in Washington Native American, Cherokee 4026.5493
From Arthur Hoeber to Charles M. Russell Arthur Hoeber, Charles Marion Russell American TU2009.39.665
Letter from L. A. Morris to P. P. Puchlin regarding trader's civil case 4026.7438 ink on paper
Letter with envelope from Leigh to Mother describing sketching in Rothenburg and farmers with their pigs at market William Robinson Leigh American 3876.2120 ink on paper
Sheets four and five of unidentified letter signed by Blazer relating to the history of Mescalero country American 3837.8331.1
Letter from C. J. Harris, Executive Office, Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, Indian Territory Native American, Cherokee 4026.5494
Personal letter to P.P. Pitchlynn from your bro 4026.4246
Letter from L. A. Morris to P. P. Puchlin regarding trader's civil case 4026.7442 ink on paper
Letter from Leigh to his mother regarding "The Great Exhibition" and new address William Robinson Leigh American 3876.8663-.1 ink on paper
Letter from Nola K. Weber to Leigh expressing sympathy for his sister's death, discussing his painting, "The Reckoning," and congratulating him on his marriage American 3827.2734
Letter of introduction for George Benge as a Cherokee Delegation member to Congress George W. Benge Native American, Cherokee 4026.5495
6 page handwritten letter from Ruth Moran to Mr. Jackson regarding Thomas Moran's early travels Ruth Bedford Moran American 4027.4009 ink on paper
1 page typed letter from the Frick Art Reference Library's Chief Librarian Ethelwyn Manning about references to Thomas Moran Ethelwyn Manning American 4027.4014.5 ink on paper
1 page typed letter from Ruth Moran to Helen Frick about sending articles on Thomas Moran to the Frick Reference Library Ruth Bedford Moran American 4027.4014 ink on paper
"Moran the Pathbreaker" written by Charles deKay to the editor in response to Clinton Academy exhibition; 4 page handwritten letter and 1 1/2 page typed transcription Charles Augustus DeKay American 5117.237 ink on paper