Letter from S. H. Mayes to the Honorable George Benge |
George W. Benge |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.5492 |
From Charles M. Russell to Mrs. Tobe |
Charles Marion Russell |
American |
TU2009.39.522 |
Letter to Thomas Moran from Mrs. Emery Grant about admiring Moran's work |
American |
3827.825.1 |
ink on paper |
Personal letter to R.F. Pitchlynn from Pitchlynn |
4026.3600 |
ink on paper |
Letter from Leigh to A.N. Blazer requesting details of Mescalero tales for stories Leigh wants to write to sell |
American |
3837.2638 |
Letter from W. H. Hendricks in Fort Gibson, Indian Territory to the Cherokee Delegation in Washington |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.5493 |
From Arthur Hoeber to Charles M. Russell |
Arthur Hoeber, Charles Marion Russell |
American |
TU2009.39.665 |
Letter from L. A. Morris to P. P. Puchlin regarding trader's civil case |
4026.7438 |
ink on paper |
Letter with envelope from Leigh to Mother describing sketching in Rothenburg and farmers with their pigs at market |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
3876.2120 |
ink on paper |
Sheets four and five of unidentified letter signed by Blazer relating to the history of Mescalero country |
American |
3837.8331.1 |
Letter from C. J. Harris, Executive Office, Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, Indian Territory |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.5494 |
Personal letter to P.P. Pitchlynn from your bro |
4026.4246 |
Letter from L. A. Morris to P. P. Puchlin regarding trader's civil case |
4026.7442 |
ink on paper |
Letter from Leigh to his mother regarding "The Great Exhibition" and new address |
William Robinson Leigh |
American |
3876.8663-.1 |
ink on paper |
Letter from Nola K. Weber to Leigh expressing sympathy for his sister's death, discussing his painting, "The Reckoning," and congratulating him on his marriage |
American |
3827.2734 |
Letter of introduction for George Benge as a Cherokee Delegation member to Congress |
George W. Benge |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.5495 |
6 page handwritten letter from Ruth Moran to Mr. Jackson regarding Thomas Moran's early travels |
Ruth Bedford Moran |
American |
4027.4009 |
ink on paper |
1 page typed letter from the Frick Art Reference Library's Chief Librarian Ethelwyn Manning about references to Thomas Moran |
Ethelwyn Manning |
American |
4027.4014.5 |
ink on paper |
1 page typed letter from Ruth Moran to Helen Frick about sending articles on Thomas Moran to the Frick Reference Library |
Ruth Bedford Moran |
American |
4027.4014 |
ink on paper |
"Moran the Pathbreaker" written by Charles deKay to the editor in response to Clinton Academy exhibition; 4 page handwritten letter and 1 1/2 page typed transcription |
Charles Augustus DeKay |
American |
5117.237 |
ink on paper |