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Object Type: Newspaper Clipping

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Illustrations by Russell Donated to State American TU2009.39.4479 paper
Prince of Wales Pay $10,000 for Russell Painting American TU2009.39.5347 paper
Deal for Russell's Studio to be Completed this Week American TU2009.39.5257.2 paper
Russell Held Himself Rich in Friend of Many Kinds American TU2009.39.5606 paper
The Cowboy Artist American TU2009.39.5519.2 paper
Charles M. Russell American TU2009.39.5186 paper
Go Easy on "Bull;" The Soldiers Need it Worse than I Do, Says Charlie Russell American TU2009.39.5464.1 paper
Flint and Steel American TU2009.39.5074 paper
Cowboy Artist and Sketch Which Brought Fame American TU2009.39.5378 paper
1,500 Inspect Art Exhibit at Hotel Rainbow on Friday American TU2009.39.5369 paper
Color picture from the New York World American TU2009.39.5635 paper
Indian Life to be Portrayed American TU2009.39.5532.2 paper
Charles Russell, Cowboy Artist, Occasional Visitor in Whitefish American TU2009.39.5207 paper
Young Range Artist Fulfills Prophecy Made Years Ago American TU2009.39.5484.3-4 paper
10,000 Visit Memorial in Last 82 Days American TU2009.39.5099 paper
Cowboy Artist Returns from the Metropolis American TU2009.39.5415.1 paper
Illustrations of the Old Life of the Western Plains American TU2009.39.5449.2 paper
Mint Gallery of Russells Crepe-Draped American TU2009.39.5244.3 paper
Clipping of a reproduction of Charles M. Russell's painting "A Bronk to Breakfast" American TU2009.39.5547 paper
Honor to be Paid Russell American TU2009.39.5227 paper