Gilcrease Museum is temporarily closed for construction.

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Object Type: Newspaper Clipping

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
As Tribute to Russell: Fort Shaw Man Prososes Art Gallery for City of Great Falls in Plan Suggested to City Council American TU2009.39.5443.1 paper
Artist Extols Art Colony of Santa Barbara American TU2009.39.5544.1-5 paper
Buildings Burn American TU2009.39.5159 paper
Charles Russell, Cowboy Artist American TU2009.39.5422.1 paper
Charles Russell Collection Given to State American TU2009.39.4480 paper
Will Rogers Introduces American TU2009.39.5250.4 paper
Prince of Wales Pays $10,000 for American Artist's Painting American TU2009.39.5554 paper
Cowboy Artist' Sells Painting For $10,000 American TU2009.39.5556.2 paper
Newspaper clipping taken from the Calgary Daily Herald George Lane American TU2009.39.8298 paper
Russell Paid Rare Honor Says Wasson American TU2009.39.5496.1 paper
Treasure State's Noted Artist Lays Down Brush for All Time American TU2009.39.5187 paper
Lewis and Clark's Meeting with Western Indians Theme of Paintings to Hand in the Montana Statehouse at Helena American TU2009.39.5434.1 paper
Front Seats at the Big Show American TU2009.39.5075 paper
Newspaper clipping containing two articles: Irvin S. Cobb Leaves Own Funeral Orders and Irvin S. Cobb, U. S. Humorist, Succumbs to Long Illness American TU2009.39.5297.1-2 paper
"A Tale of Two Pioneers by Dan R. Conway" American TU2009.39.5618 paper
Great Falls Urged to Provide Safe Repository For Collection of Charles M. Russell's Works American TU2009.39.5578 paper
Old West to Honor Russell American TU2009.39.5173 paper
Russell's Work will be Done on Time, Say Friends American TU2009.39.5508 paper
Charles M. Russell American TU2009.39.5208 paper
William Allen White, Noted Writer, Drops in on Russell American TU2009.39.5450.1 paper