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Object Type: Newspaper Clipping

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
"Russell's Great Uncle was William Bent..." American TU2009.39.5192 paper
A Drawing by Charles M. Russell American TU2009.39.5086 paper
Cowboy Paintings Exhibited at Milwaukee Art Institute American TU2009.39.5440.1 paper
Four Rallies Remaining on Week's Slate American TU2009.39.5328 paper
He Turned Down Offer to Study Painting With Famed Cowboy Artist American TU2009.39.5608.1 paper
Many Visit Browning Fair; Conway Talks on Tourists American TU2009.39.5349 paper
The Last Word in Futurist Folly American TU2009.39.5519.4 paper
"He'll Give Me a Foot Up, If I Meet Him Over There," Says Russell's Old Friend American TU2009.39.5213 paper
Teddy Blue, Old-Time Cowboy, Says Rusell got Inspiration for Pictures During Roundups American TU2009.39.5111 paper
Art and Artists American TU2009.39.5454.1 paper
First showing of Charles M. Russell's Work American TU2009.39.5354 paper
Review of Britzman's biography of Charles M. Russell American TU2009.39.5638.1 paper
Newspaper clipping of an article discussing the Duke of Connaught and his family American TU2009.39.5436.3 paper
Paintin' Cowpuncher's' Personality Secret of His Vivid Portrayals American TU2009.39.5534.1-4 paper
Last of his Line American TU2009.39.5235.1 paper
Russell Memorial Exhibition Opens Monday American TU2009.39.5130 paper
Russell Exhibits Oils and Bronzes American TU2009.39.5464.3 paper
Newspaper clipping of six pages from Great Falls Tribune American TU2009.39.5381 paper
Cowboy Artist, Self Taught, will Show in New York American TU2009.39.5499.1-2 paper
A Cowboy Artist American TU2009.39.5549 paper