Gilcrease Museum is temporarily closed for construction.

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Object Type: Newspaper Clipping

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Charles Russell Dead at 61; Heart Attack Proves Fatal; Noted Cowboy Artist Passes American TU2009.39.5198 paper
Charles M. Russell Lived and Loved the Old West Charles Marion Russell American TU2009.39.8299 paper
Russell Sells $10,000 Canvas to Oil Magnate American TU2009.39.5585.2 paper
Books and Their Makers American TU2009.39.5093 paper
Russell Still Having His Fun American TU2009.39.5448.5 paper
World Famed Cowboy Artist Answers Final Summons In Montana; Russell is Dead American TU2009.39.5229 paper
Cowboy Artist in London: Vivid Picture of the Wild West American TU2009.39.5512.1 paper
Paintings of Charles Russell on Exhibition here Vividly Depict Early Life in Far West American TU2009.39.5343.1-3 paper
Montana's Great Loss American TU2009.39.5220 paper
Prince of Wales Loses A Picturesque Neighbor American TU2009.39.5605 paper
Mrs. Robbins to Supervise Fair Division American TU2009.39.5116 paper
The Quiet Observer: Where the West Begins is Where Men and Women Live the Simple Life American TU2009.39.5462.2 paper
Paintings of Charles Russell on Exhibition Here Vividly Depict Early LIfe in Far West American TU2009.39.5302 paper
The Dore Galleries American TU2009.39.5519.1 paper
Newspaper clipping of photograph of O. C. Seltzer painting American TU2009.39.5371 paper
Russell's Canvases Depict Real Development of West American TU2009.39.5239 paper
Two piece poem by Charles M. Russell to Robert Vaughn American TU2009.39.5629.1-2 paper
Fund Growing for Memorial, Fligman Says American TU2009.39.5134.3 paper
How Picture Makers Go to School American TU2009.39.5479.1-2 paper
"Cowboy Artist," Self Taught, Will Show in New York American TU2009.39.5431.1-2 paper