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Object Type: Newspaper Clipping

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Clipping announcing the opening of an "Exhibition of Paintings Commemorating William R. Leigh's 90th Anniversary " American 5327.269
Photocopy of "Double Crosser" in article from Dundee and West Omaha Sun American 4127.761
Newspaper clipping mentioning William R. Leigh accompanying African expedition American 4127.759
Photocopy of New York Times article "Keeping Rainbow Bridge from Falling down" American 4127.762
Clipping of "Elephant Stampede" William Robinson Leigh American 5127.705
Newspaper clipping from The Christian Science Monitor titled "A Cherokee Chronicle, Part II" Edward B. Orr, Alice Mary Robertson Native American, Cherokee 4127.200.1
Clipping from El Palacio "The Narrowing Circle" American 5337.236
Prince of Wales Pays $10,000 for Russell Painting American TU2009.39.556.3
Newspaper photo from "The Christian Science Monitor" of William R. Leigh's painting "Chief Big Eagle" American 4127.760.42
Newspaper clipping "Prof. Barnes Now Explains Why He Thinks World Needs to Revise its Ideas of God" American 4127.735 ink on paper
Bundles of newspaper clippings from Alamogordo News" of articles written by A. N. Blazer and "Hill Billy" American 4137.730.1-.5
Two newspaper photos of William R. Leigh working on a painting "Navajo Fire Dance" American 4127.760.43
Newspaper clipping "Borah Scorches Heflin's Bigotry" American 4127.734
Newspaper photos of William R. Leigh's paintings "Patient", "Struggle for Existence" and a Navaho girl American 4127.760.50
Magazine clipping of unknown art work American 5327.1174
Newspaper clipping from Manchester Union Leader "Our Fabulous West" with photo of Leigh's painting "Buffalo Drive" American 4117.763.10
Newspaper clipping "West Lives Vividly in Art Exhibition" American 4127.10
Newspaper clipping from Union Leader in Manchester, NH, "Genuine Americana" regarding Leigh's western artwork American 4117.763.15
Clipping from The Chicago Daily News featuring "Renegade at Bay", "Dodging Bullets", "Westward Ho", and "Navajo Fire Dance" American 4127.755
Newspaper clipping from the Youngstown Vindicator "Our Fabulous West" (1906-1953) with photo of Leigh's painting "Buffalo Drive" American 4117.763.16