Fragment of John Drew's promissory note for two thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.3403.17 |
Promissory note from Daniel D. Spencer for $348.80 |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.3400.6 |
A note to Mr. John Drew from Joseph Hoody |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.3651.1 |
Promissory note for the amount of $200.00 |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.3400.8 |
Note certifying that Poor Bear served in the Flint District Police Company |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.26 |
Promissory note for the amount of $40.00 |
Native Americans, Cherokee |
4026.3400.9 |
Promissory note to Drew & Fields for ten dollars and twenty five cents ($10.25 from Jack Ninns) |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.43 |
Promissory note of M. B. Scott for $100.00 |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1992 |
Promissory note from Larkin Beavest to pay Berthelet Heald $14.93 |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.62 |
Promissory note from John Drew to William Albertz to let William L. Rogers have John Martin's note |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.63 |
Promissory note from Lewis Riley to Mayor Roddy to let William Ferrel have ten dollars in goods |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.64 |
Note given for bill of goods listed with promissory note on reverse side in the amount of twenty dollars with the mark of Alison Walters witnessed by C. Runnyan |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.77 |
Note to pay barer the sum of ten dollars |
Native Americans, Cherokee |
4026.1588.80 |
Promissory note to John Drew from Isaac Bushyhead and S.P Hilderbrand for the sum of twenty-eight dollars |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.81 |
Note to pay the barer two dollars and five cents |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.82 |
Promissory note to pay forth dollars |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.84 |
Note to Mr. Foreman from L.P. Harris to pay the doctor two dollars and fifty cents in goods |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.86 |
Promissory note to Moses Lea from either of us three for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1588.87 |
Note to Major Bradley from Lewis Niley authorizing him to let the barer have the sum of one dollar to be charged to his account |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.1855.76 |
Promissory note from Preston Farrell to Austin Rider |
Native American, Cherokee |
4026.3391.1 |