A Quintuple Hanging Execution in Virginia City, Montana, Jan. 14, 1864, of Jack Gallagher, Clubfoot George Lane, Boone Helm, Hayes Lyons and Frank Parrish / Olaf Carl Seltzer
A Quintuple Hanging Execution in Virginia City, Montana, Jan. 14, 1864, of Jack Gallagher, Clubfoot George Lane, Boone Helm, Hayes Lyons and Frank Parrish
Seltzer, Olaf. A Quintuple Hanging Execution in Virginia City, Montana, Jan. 14, 1864, of Jack Gallagher, Clubfoot George Lane, Boone Helm, Hayes Lyons and Frank Parrish. 01.845. 1935. Tulsa: Gilcrease Museum, https://collections.gilcrease.org/object/01845 (06/24/2019).
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