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White Eagle
Charles Schreyvogel
Rembrandt Bugatti

Counting Coup / Charles Marion Russell

Curatorial Remarks

According to Rick Stewart in his book "Charles M. Russell Sculptor" page151 this bronze was cast from the 1905 model after it had been restored or reworked in 1925. He cites a letter of Dec. 1927. The fact that a date of 1907 is inscribed into the base along with the signature (these were inscribed directly into the wax model before it was cast) would seem rather to indicate a casting date of 1907, however, this bronze is one of the reworked version supposedly made in 1925. Rather confusing and needs more research. It was cast in two sections and riveted together.

Information given by Ann Boulton Young, Associate Conservator for the Gilcrease Museum, 2018 and 2022

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Counting Coup
Charles Marion Russell (Artist)
Roman Bronze Works (Foundry)
modeled 1905/1925; lost-wax cast circa 1927
lost-wax cast in bronze
Object Type: 
Accession No: 
Previous Number(s): 
0837.19; 37473
Not On View

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