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Sandown Castle
Thomas Moran
Sandown Castle
Thomas Moran

Fábrica de Vidrio / Diego Rivera


This is a reference image scanned from an older transparency.

Gallery Label

Elegant lines form the contour of this pen and ink drawing by Diego Rivera, one of the most well-known Mexican artists of the 20th century. True to the spirit of the Mexican Revolution, he pays homage to the working classes who have served as the backbone of the nation for centuries. This drawing highlights the country’s artisan traditions and hints at the central role of the visual arts in Mexico’s reconstruction process.

Líneas elegantes forman los contornos de este dibujo de pluma y tinta de Diego Rivera, uno de los artistas mexicanos más conocidos del siglo XX. Fiel al espíritu de la Revolución Mexicana, Rivera rinde homenaje a las clases obreras que han articulado la columna vertebral de la nación durante siglos. El dibujo destaca las tradiciones artesanales del país, e insinúa el papel central de las artes visuales en el proceso mexicano de reconstrucción.

From the exhibition: Mexican Modernism: Revolution & Reckoning, August 29, 2019 - August 30, 2020.
Alison Rossi, Director of Learning and Community Engagement, 2019.

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ink and pen on paper
Object Type: 
Accession No: 
Previous Number(s): 
1347.1142; 22189
Not On View

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