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Bundle of sage stems and leaves wrapped in masking tape
Harding Big Bow
The Black Pitch Lake & Dead Mans Fires, Hiawatha
Thomas Moran

La Venganza del Pueblo / Leopoldo Méndez


This is a reference image scanned from an older transparency.

Gallery Label

A giant figure wields an axe, a personification of the Yugoslavian people. He prepares to protect his countrymen from a distorted Adolf Hitler and his henchmen Benito Mussolini and General Hideki Tojo. The figure emerges from a burning town with victims of fascism visible through his translucent leg and foot. Peasants and soldiers follow him with guns, swords and sickles. This image reimagines the horror of the German-led attack on Yugoslavia by the Axis powers during World War II and pays tribute to resistance fighters and martyrs.

Una figura gigante empuña un hacha, representando al pueblo yugoslavo. Se prepara para proteger a sus paisanos de las figuras distorsionadas de Adolfo Hitler y sus secuaces Benito Mussolini y el General Hideki Tojo. La figura emerge de una aldea en llamas, las víctimas del fascismo visibles a través de su pierna y pie traslúcidos. Lo siguen campesinos y soldados con rifles, espadas y hoces. Esta imagen interpreta el horror del ataque de las Potencias del Eje, dirigido por los alemanes, a Yugoslavia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y rinde homenaje a los luchadores de la resistencia y a los mártires.

From the exhibition: Mexican Modernism: Revolution & Reckoning, August 29, 2019 - August 30, 2020.
Alison Rossi, Director of Learning and Community Engagement, 2019.

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La Venganza del Pueblo; The People's Revenge; La Estampa Mexicana - Portfolio of Mendez - Subtitle: The People's Revenge
Leopoldo Méndez (Artist)
La Estampa Mexicana (Publisher)
woodblock print on paper
Object Type: 
Accession No: 
Previous Number(s): 
1747.49.25; 16733
Not On View

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