Statement of account of Deer Killer to Richard Fields
Native American, Cherokee
Report by the Seminole Deputation to Chief John Ross
Gilcrease Museum
16 Washington City Feby [sic] 17, 1838. 1 John Ross Esqr. The Cherokee deputation who were appointed by you to visit the Seminoles of Florida in the character of mediators between the United States and the Seminoles; and to bear to them your Talk of friendship and peace, by leave to lay before you the result of their mission. It is the wish and design of the deputation to give a connected narration of all the facts as they have occurred, and to draw from them such inferences as the facts will fully authorize and sustain; and to do this, we are enabled to refer to our notes by which every circumstance of the last importance connected with our mission have been carefully noted down. From these facts and circumstances presented in a form in which they took place, you will be able to judge what the cause was, that lead to the failure of the mission. We met difficulties at the very outset; these had to be overcome, - objections at every step had to be combated with, discouragements were presented in various shapes and forms; and the greater part of all these difficulties, were frivolous and absurd in the extreme. In a word, we did not meet with that free and open cooperation, that we expected, in our efforts to restore peace and harmony with the United States and the Seminole Indians. The cause of peace, justice, and humanity, should ever meet with undisguised advocates, unobscured by false professions, or mean jealousy. Every advance we made in the prose [Page 2] cution of our undertaking, seemed only to produce some new and unexpected objection. The first interview that was had with Genl. Jesup was by one of the deputation on the third of November last, at Gareys [sic] Ferry Black Creek; in this interview, Genl. Jesup said that he had been apprised of our intended visit to the Seminoles, by Mr. Poinsett the Secy [sic] of War. Genl. Jesup spoke freely of what he thought was the causes of the continued difficulties, and of the power and influence of the different chiefs amongst their Tribe. He spoke of Oceola [sic] as having little or no influence with his people; but said, “that his talents would give him great consideration any where [sic].” “That he himself was the firm friend of the red man, but that nothing but powder and ball could effect any thing [sic] with the Seminoles; that it was his wish to save them from destruction, and that with our assistance he might be enabled to save them.” On the fourth, our colleague expressed to Genl. Jesup a desire to proceed to St. Augustine to be in readiness to take such steps as might be deemed expedient, but was told by Genl. Jesup, that in a day or two, he would go himself, if not, that he would send one of his aid de camps with him to see the chiefs in prison. On the seventh our colleague reached St. Augustine in company with Genl. Jesup, and his staff, and the same evening he addressed a note to Genl. Jesup, in which he suggested the propriety, as a preliminary step, of dispatching some of the prisoners in the Fort to the Seminoles, to announce to them our expected visit to their Nation; a copy of which is [Page 3] here with transmitted with this report. On the evening of the seventh our colleague accompanied Genl. Jesup to the Fort, and had an interview with the Chiefs in prison. Genl. Jesup spoke to them of his great power and his ability to over power [sic] them. – the number of his soldiers – and that their people had better come in and submit, and that he did not wish to spill the blood of the red man. He then informed the Chiefs of the expected arrival of the deputation, as mediators of peace to their people, and then introduced our colleague as one of our number, and requested him to state in substance the object of our visit, which he did, and it was recd [sic] with expressions of their approbation. On the 8th or 9th, Genl. Jesup returned to Picotola, but before he left he informed our colleague, that he had left instructions with Capt. Brown for him to visit the Fort, and to be permitted to talk with the prisoners when ever [sic] he saw proper to do so; but that he could not permit your Talk to be given there, as it held out expectations to them, that could not be realized, and that he did not wish to deceive them, by holding out any hope that could not be fulfilled on the part of the Govt., such was the state of the mission when the residue of the deputation arrived at St. Augustine on the tenth of November in company with Col. J. H. Sherburne special agent of the govt. Soon after the deputation got together at St. Augustine, they availed themselves of the first opportunity to see Genl. Jesup; and late in the evening of the 12th we had the honour [sic] of an interview with him, he having just [Page 4] returned from Picotola; the subject of our mission was immediately brought up, and we discussed the many objections he opposed to our mission, & of our proceeding into the heart of the country, which we proposed to do without hesitation, with such guides or conducters [sic] as might be selected for the proposal, but to this proposition he would not yield his assent but objected, because he thought it would be attended with great danger, that it was a hazardous interprise [sic] – that the lives of the messengers themselves would be sacrificed if they should or happen to fall into the hands of the Mackasookis [sic], before they reached the towns of the Seminoles; and said that we had better wait until the messengers returned before we attempted to go into the hostile camps; that would only be about ten days, when we should hear from the Seminoles. But preceeding [sic] this interview with Genl. Jesup, we visited the Fort to see our brother Indians on the 11th and was attended by one of Genl. Jesups [sic] aid de camp and Capt. Brown, who strictly had every word examined and qualified before it should go forth to the Chiefs – although it was not our wish to say much to the Chiefs, neither was this vigilance confined to us alone, but extended to Col. Sherburne. Such a scene could but excite feelings of ludicrous disgust, to see and witness this mock show of pretended circumspection, after being permitted, to have unrestrained intercourse with the Seminoles; we were watch! Not a word was permitted to be said until it was ascertained what it be after it was said. On the 13th the deputation addressed a short [Page 5] letter to Genl. Jesup, formally announcing themselves to him, - the object of this mission, and their readiness to proceed to the fulfillment of the duties required by their instructions, - a copy of which is herewith inclosed [sic], and also a copy of a letter from Genl. Jesup to the deputation in reply of the same date. After the reception of Genl. Jesups [sic] letter on the morning of the 14th, we proceeded to see the Chiefs in the Fort, for the purpose of giving such instructions to the Messengers as we felt authorized by the special permission of Genl. Jesup, which we did in the presence of the Chiefs, and with their cordial approbation. We gave them the substance of you talk to communicate to their people, and sent several Pipes with Tobaco [sic] to the most prominent Chiefs as a pledge of Indian sincerity, and token of our good feelings for their welfare in mediating peace between them and their white brothers with whom they were at war. It is proper to state before we proceed further, that when three of the deputation arrived at Picotola on their way to St. Augustine, they met with Genl. Jesup; and in conversation with him, he strongly opposed our mission, because it was taking the affairs of Florida out of his control; and said many things to discourage and operate upon our fears as we thought. He said that he would never recognize Opoica (alias Sam Jones) as a Chief, nor have nothing to do with him in settling the difficulties of the war. [Page 6] He also spoke of your talk as being too indefinite and inexplicit. Before Genl. Jesup returned to Picotola, which was the 14th he informed the deputation, that in the course of a few days he would leave Picotola for Fort Mellon, and he intended to take some of the Chiefs with him, and if we saw proper, we might go a long, and that he would inform us of the day he would leave, that we might be in readiness. Accordingly he informed Col. Sherburne of the time he would set out from Picotola, and we went over from St. Augustine on the 18th, but when we arrived at that place Genl. Jesup had already left some two or three days before, without having any directions whether to follow on, nor could we obtain the least information from his aid de camp what to do. We however availed ourselves of the first chance that presented to assend [sic] the St. Johns to Fort Mellon, which we did on the 21st, of November; and on the 24th we reached Fort Mellon, the very day the Messengers who left St. Augustine the 14th was expected to return, to bring us intelligence of the determination of the Seminoles. On the 23rd, we passed Genl. Jesup, at Valausia but we had no communication with him, and on the 26th he came up at Fort Mellon. The day after we got to Fort Mellon which was the 25th, the Messengers arrived late in the evening, and by them we received a message from Micanopy the Principal Chief of the Seminoles, to come to their Council ground in four days, for the purpose of having an interview with him and his sub chiefs, and [Page 7] to hear what we had to say as mediators of peace between the United States and themselves. The place designated for holding the meeting, was about fifty miles from Fort Mellon, on Totalousyhatchy, a small branch of the St. Johns. After 9 oclock [sic] at night of the 26th we received an invitation from Genl. Jesup to call at his quarters, which we did and after taking our seats, we informed him of word we had received from Micanopy and his people, by the hands of the Messengers and of the appointed time and place to meet the Seminoles in Council, and that in our opinion, it was of the utmost importance to use dispatch and promptness in meeting the Chiefs in Council at this appointed place. We requested of him to let us know whether we could be permitted to proceed to the Seminole Indians; but the result was a tantalizing as it was evasive; nor could we extend a direct reply to our question, nor even draw from his manner, whether we might hold ourselves in readiness to go or not. His reply was, that he “had no confidence in any thing [sic] the Indians said, that they had deceived him too often to be trusted, and that the time was too long, and the place too far off, that he could not stop the movement of the Army.” Such was the result of this interview; we were left in a state of extreme uncertainty and perplexity, not knowing what to think or do, whether to hold ourselves ready to proceed, or to return home. On the morning of the 27th, we renewed our application to Genl. Jesup, to permit us [Page 8} to proceed, but we met with no better incouragement [sic]; he said that he would not make a treaty with the Seminoles, that if he was specially instructed to do so by the Secry [sic] of War, that he would disobey the instructions, such was again the result of this interview, and we were as usual, left to our conjectures, as to what would be the final result of our almost incessant application to know from him his disposition with regard to permitting us to proceed. It was not until a few minutes before we started from Fort Mello, that we knew definitely that we were to be permitted to go; and that information was gained only by hearing an order by the quarter master, to have horses ready by such an hour for our use. About 10 PM on the 28th of November we left the encampment of the Army, for the interior; accompanied by Coa Hadjo one of the prisoner Chiefs, as our guide and friend, to conduct us to his people. We were allowed only six days to go and return and arrange our plans of peace, and only a day and a half remained of the appointed time to meet the Chiefs, and a distance of fifty miles to ride through almost impenetrable hammocks before we could reach the designated place to hold the desirable interview with the Chiefs, head men and warriors, or the Seminoles. Just before sun set we took up camp for the night, on the east side of a beautiful lake, and early next morning we set off, and rode at good speed [Page 9] until 12 oclock [sic], when we came to the appointed place, but to our great mortification, we found not a soul on the ground, nor any appearance of preporation [sic], excepting an old encampment which had long since been abandoned by the Seminoles. Our friend Coa Hadjo left us to take care of ourselves, while he rode off to see whether or not he could make any discoveries, and obtain such information as might enable us to proceed to the prosecution of our mission. Our friend Coa Hadjo was absent just two hours, when he returned accompanied by Nocasi Yahola, a Creek Chief of rank and a young warrior; these were the first hostile Indians we had seen. They informed us that in consequence of discovering a party or Troops landing on Lake Horney, they had concluded that the message was sent them was intended to deceive them, and consequently they had determined not to meet us as had been previously agreed upon, and that their people were making their war to the south. After explaining to them the cause of their alarm, and tilling [sic] them they had no cause to fear an attack; we urged the importance of our obtaining an early interview with the Chiefs, - it was determined that we should proceed on in the morning about twelve miles further, where it was expected the Seminoles had made a stop, and that messenger be dispatched to inform the Chiefs of our expected arrival amongst them, and that we expected to meet them in Council at their encampment. [Page 10] Such was the understanding and at about 9 oclock [sic] A.M. on the 30th Nov. we set off, and at a few minutes past 12 oclock [sic] we came up with a part of the Mackasookis [sic]; they seemed quite glad to see us, and after halting a few minutes, we passed on, and a little after one oclock [sic], we reached the main encampment of our brother Indian. A short time after our arrival at the Council grounds, we understood that Micanopy had just come, and a short time after, two young Chiefs came to inform us that the Chiefs were ready to receive us, and requested us to attend the place of meeting. In a short time, we was at the place; took our seats in front of the Chiefs, and after a short pause, the Principal Chief came up and cordially took us by the hand, then was followed by the other Chiefs. Our Pipe of peace with tobaco [sic] was them produced, and laid on the ground between us and the Chiefs; when a short introductory address was made by Mr. Conrad, after which, we presented your written Talk. It was read by Mr. Fields, interpreted by Mr. Bushyhead to our interpreter, and by him to the Seminoles; it was listened with the utmost attention, the profoundest silence prevailed, and felling of the deepest import, seemed to be instilled, and marks of evident satisfaction was exhibited by every countenence [sic]. The next day (Decr. [sic] 1st) just before 12 oclock [sic], we was again requested to attend at the council ground to read your Talk, and to explain more particularly and fully some points, which was not properly understood the evening before, - and as [Page 11] other Chiefs had arrived through the night, that had not heard the address. We read and explained at large, and endeavored to impress the importance of their adopting the course recommended in your address as the surest plan of adjusting the unhappy difficulty that existed between the United States, and their people. We spoke of the different Tribes of Indians, who had recently visited the seat of Govt [sic] for the object of setting their differences by peacable [sic] and friendly means, and of the great hopes and expectations that prevailed for the friendly settlement of their difficulties, - and of the disappointment that would be experienced, not only by our people, but by all the better class of whites, if they refused to accept the proposition of peace, as presented by your Talk to them. We endeavored to impress on their minds, that the best of feelings prevailed among the liberal class of the white people for their welfare, and that it was the wish of almost every body [sic] to see the war brought to a close. We spoke if war as the greatest of evils; that it ought not to be resorted to, only in the last extremely; that its consequences would reduce them to extreme hardships, and the deepest distress and want; that it would subject them and their wives, and children, and their old men to the worst condition, and expose the safety of their Chiefs, and waste the blood of their bravest warriors. [Page 12] We stated to them, that their Nation and the Cherokees were now the only southern Indians east of the Mississippi river, and as brother Indians we ought to settle our difficulties together with the United States in a peacable [sic] and friendly way. On the second of Decr. [sic] at 11 oclock [sic] we started on our return to Fort Mellon, accompanied by Micanopy, Cloud (alias Yoholachu) and eleven other sub Chiefs, and warriors, amounting to the number of twenty five or thirty in all. Nothing of interest occurred on our way back; friendship and the best of feelings appeared to pervade our whole party. Late in the evening of the Third, we reached the encampment of the Army before Fort Mellon with the white scarf of peace rifling over our head; and after partaking of some refreshments, we called on Genl. Jesup, and informed him of every thing [sic] that had taken place, and all that we had said to induce the Seminoles to come in and make peace. Our reception was cold, and almost repulsive; not a symptom of approbation was exhibited. He asked us a great many questions about the Indians, the nature of the country, the number of the Seminoles; their situation, and what were our ideas were with regard to their real disposition to come into terms. We frankly told him our opinion of their disposition so far as we could learn; that we believed we had fully gained their confidence and friendship and that if a judicious course was pursued, we had not the [Page 13] least hesitation in saying, that the difficulties would be settled amicably, and we believed the desire of the Seminoles to make peace to be sincere, and that as an evidence of that belief we would refer him to the fact of the Chiefs coming in under our persuasion. To these remarks he flatly said, “that he did not believe our word the Indians had said to us, that they only wanted to delay time, and that the Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee volunteers were on their way to join him, and that it would be impossible to hold them back, and that his force was very great.’ & such was the precise nature of his language, and we infered [sic] that he regreted [sic] that we had been so successful in bringing in the Chiefs to ascertain what terms could be attained. We, upon every occasion avoided to hold out any expectations to the Seminoles, except what was plainly authorized by your address; knowing that it had underwent the review of the Secry [sic] of War and sanctioned by him. Knowing this, we had every reason to believe, that whatever was therein held out to the Seminoles, would be faithfully confirmed and realized to them by the United States to adjust the difficulty of the unhappy and unquiet contest in Florida. That instead of confirming any thing [sic] contained in your address, he did not [Page 14] even allude to the promise or suggestions which it contained, when he held his talk with the Chiefs, on the fifth of Decr. [sic]; but he required an unconditional submission to the stipulations of the Treaty made at Fort Dade, against which, he well knew, the great body of the Seminoles were violently opposed. At this council, Genl. Jesup wanted to know what assurences [sic] the Chiefs could give him of their sincerity in their application for peace; Micanopy replied, and refered [sic] him to the circumstances of their having come in with us; that they had received our Talk and fully believed what we had said to be true. He then asked Micanopy what Opiacca (alias Saml. [sic] Jones) had said to him in regard to our visit, he replied again and said that he was sincere and wished for peace, that the Cherokee had come a long way to see them, and that they had received them as friends, and engagements make between Indians under their ancient customs was considered inviolate by all Indians. Genl. Jesup required the Chefs to send for their respective families as pledges for themselves, and for each warrior to come in and give up his rifle, before he would take any further steps to arrange the difficulty. Such was the substance of this interview, and a most important one too, but it was but too well calculated to disgust and disappoint the expectations that had been created by the inducements held out by your talk to them. Disappointment was quite visable [sic] on [Page 15] every face, and the warrior feeling was no doubt embittered by this reducing his native pride to such an alternative and submitting to an act of self abasement [sic], and but too well calculated to degrade them in the estimation of their people. It was however agreed to by the Chiefs that were present, to send for their families, and each Chief had the priviledge [sic] of sending after their friends, and was allowed from six to ten days to go and return. On the morning of the sixth Mr. Bushyhead and our interpreter set out to visit the Chiefs of Opiacca to assure him of the strong desire of Genl. Jesup to have him come in and enter into terms of peace; but when Mr. Bushyhead arrived at their encampment of this Chief, he found him and his people already dissatisfied with the proposed terms of Genl. Jesup and marks of evident hostility was defined amongst the Seminoles, by the escape of Wild Cat, a daring young Chief, who had instilled feelings of strong dislike against us, by circulating reports of reproachful character against the object of our mission. Opiacca was quite incensed against the deputation, and charged us with being leagued with the whites to deceive them, and said that he never knew that women and children had to go and make peace before, that it was the duty of Chiefs and men to do such business, [Page 16] and then asked what all this meant by coming again the second time that we must be actin the double part of deceivers. Tuskeegee here interposed and vindicated our cause as consistent throughout; and after an explanation from Mr. Bushyhead he appeared more satisfied, but rather incredulous to his statements. The prospects of a friendly pacification of the difficulty with the Seminole people now began to present a discouraging appearance. The indication of blasted hopes, and sad disappointment was too obvious to be mistaken. They had been induced to believe from what we had said to them, as authorized by your address to expect a different mode of adjusting the existing troubles between the United States and themselves, but they were entirely deceived, and disappointed, when Genl. Jesup required of them an entire surrender of their arms, their wives, and their children, and to conform unconditionally to the provisions of a former Treaty, and against which they stood in open hostility, and disavowed all moral obligation to acknowledge its binding force. However great might be the wish of some of the Chiefs to conform to the Treaty, it is a well known [sic] fact, that they cannot control the mass of their people into a measure, that they cannot reasonable sanction, and no doubt upon the assurances we gave the Seminoles, based upon what we thought good authority, they did, and had a right to expect a different state of things. [Page 17] When Mr. Bushyhead and our interpreter parted with Oppiaca and his people, his hopes of seeing their difficulties happily brought to a close had almost entirely vanished; yet, it did not relax our exertions to bring them a sense of their best interest. On the 18th of Decr. [sic] Mr. Bushyhead returned accompanied by a young Seminole Indian, who had overtaken him on the way, and entrusted with a message from some of the Chiefs of a favorable character. Upon the information thus obtained from the young Seminole Indian, we thought it our duty to return immediately to see the Chiefs, and remain with them until they should get into head quarters [sic], for the purpose of removing any false impression, which might defeat our plans of mediation. After 7 oclock [sic] P.M. Mr. Bushyhead, Mr. Fields, and our interpreter started back to visit again the camp of the Seminoles, accompanied by the young Seminole Indian. We rode until after 1 oclock [sic], and stopped for the remainder of the night; in coming on, we passed an Indian camp, where we stopped a few minutes, we directed them to go to Fort Mellon, which they did. We rose early the next morning in a hard rain, wet and cold, and started; we passed two or three camps of the Seminoles, who we also advised to go to Fort Mellon, we continued our ride until 12 oclock [sic] when the rain abated, and the sun shone out pleasantly [Page 18] and warm. We went but a short distance from the place where we expected to find our red brothers already on their way to Fort Mellon, when the young Seminole Indian stopped all of a suden [sic], and said to our interpreter “that it was reported that Wild Cat has destroyed all the plans of peace, and that the report was true; that we had come here with the expectation of finding all the Chiefs and people, but there was no one to see; that they had all left and gone south so soon as Mr. Bushyhead had left, and that he was instructed to tell the story by the Chiefs for the purpose of deceiving us. When we heard this intelligence, there was no alternative for us, but to return immediately; we could not be otherwise then sadly disappointed, and felt some apprehensions for our own safety, after discovering this act of open deception on the part of a people whom we had honestly tried to benefit. We asked this youth if we were in any danger, he said not in the least; we however asked him to return part of the way back, which he willingly did, and before we parted he told us that he Seminoles had determined to fight and die on the land, that the Great Spirit had given them; that not far from the place where we was, he expected there would be a battle fought. We expressed our deep regret at the course his people had determined to pursue, and still hoped that they might change their minds, and adopt the advice we had given them to come in and make peace. [Page 19] On our way back, we meet two other Indians whom we knew, they told us that they had obtained permission to go after their wives and children, and would return in a few days, but this we had little reason to expect; we told them to inform their people of our disappointment, and hoped that they would yet come to a different conclusion. We continued our way back, until after 9 oclock [sic] at night, when we concluded to stop; we were too much fatigued to ride further. We laid down, both wet, cold, hungry, and slept until morning. Between 8 and 9 oclock [sic] on the morning of the 14th we reached Fort Mellon; we soon called on Genl. Jesup and informed him of all that had taken place; of the entire failure of our mission, from causes over which we could not exercise any control whatever. Immediately after we had reported to Genl. Jesup, he ordered Micanopy, and all who had come in with him, to be sent off instantly to St. Augustine as prisoners of war, or, rather as captives, who had come in under a flag of peace, by our persuasion, and under the auspicies [sic] of our mediation. On the 15 Decr. [sic], we addressed a letter to Genl. Jesup in which we acknowledged our gratitude for his kindness; and in conclusion, we directed his attention to the circumstance of sending the Chiefs and their followers to a place of confinement and security. We herewith insert the part in relation to the subject and make it a point of this report. We feel it due to ourselves to call your attention to our circumstances. [Page 20] We have been in some degree instrumental in inducing Micanopy and the other Chiefs who came in with him, to expect any thing [sic] like stratigem [sic] on our part, or, that they would be taken and thrown into confinement, as they came in under a flag or peace, and under our auspices; we are apprehensive that we are suspected of a design to entrap them. We have avoided every thing [sic] that would in the least lead them to suspect our motives in our intercourse with them, and notwithstanding the Seminoles have turned a deaf ear to our advice for their best good, yet, we should regret extremely, that just on the eve of our departure they should be under any improper impression that after all we had said to the contrary, that we should be suspected of having them sent to a place of security; a word from you to them on the subject, would be sufficient to remove any improper impression that they might be under with regard to us.” A copy of the letter is herewith enclosed, and also a copy of Genl. Jesups [sic] in reply; we inset the part of his letter in answer to that part of our letter that refers to the imprisonment of the Chiefs. “As to the Chiefs Micanopy and Cloud, they came in to remain. They were hostages under the Treaty of Fort Dade, and forcibly carried off, and Micanopy at least was on his way to join me at Tampy Bay, where he supposed he would find me, before he heard of your arrival. He is aware that I have sent him and the warriors who accompanied him, to St. Augustine, in consequence of the recent conduct of Oppiacca and other Chiefs and their people.” [Page 21] The 16th of Decr. [sic], we took our leave of Genl. Jesup at Fort Mellon, and left for our homes. The next day we crossed over from Picotola to St. Augustine for the express purpose of vindicating ourselves before the captive Chiefs by presenting our correspondence with Genl. Jesup about their imprisonment. We told them that we would do all that lay in our power to relieve them from their confinement, and that we would lay the whole affair before you, for the purpose of having the same fully communicated to the Secry [sic] of War; that we felt bound to remonstrate against such exercise of power, in violation of the sacred insigne of peace, and under the extraordinary circumstance of an embassy of pacification and friendship. The 19th we left the abode of our captive Chiefs, and returned to Picotola; thence to Savannah, Charleston, at which place we reached on the 25th December. At the earnest solicitation of Col. Sherburne, the deputation determined to come on to Washington; and on the 30th we arrived here. We should not have come to this conclusion had it not been for the earnest manner that Col. Sherburne pressed the importance of our doing so, for the purpose of “sustaining him,” and to finish the duties of our mission. In conclusion we beg to refer to the causes which in our humble opinion retarded and defeated [Page 22] the object of our mediation. In the first we did not meet with that cordial and frank cooperation that was due to the great object of peace; an unnecessary delay was interposed by Genl. Jesup from our first arrival at St. Augustine, which was the 10th November, to the 28th, in which time we could have effected [sic] much with the Seminoles, and in all probability brought the whole difficulty to a happy close. In the next place when we was permitted to proceed to the hostile camps of the Seminoles, the time allotted was too short, only six days was given us to accomplish an arduous and complicated undertaking. In the third place, when we had succeeded in persuading the Chiefs to comply with our solicitations, and have effected all the essential preliminaries of peace, the unfortunate escape of Wild Cat took place, and from the bad treatment he had recd [sic] after he had performed an important trust for the commanding officer, he was determined it would serve from the bitterness of his feelings to frustrate every plan to capture his people no matter in what way it should be attempted to be effected, whether under the waving banner of peace or in open battle field. In the last place, if after all Genl. Jesup had persued [sic] a more liberal and judicious course with the Chiefs after they had thrown themselves upon his justice and magnanimity, and not have required the terms which he knew from the [Page 23] very nature of things would only make the difficulty greater, and agrivate [sic] deeper their sense of all their wrongs, and oppression. We do not hesitate to say, had that if Genl. Jesup had persued [sic] a more just cause toward the Indians, that an end might have been affected to the war. We have now sir, stated what is literally a full statement of facts and circumstances in relation to the important mission that your confidence intrusted [sic] for our performance to the Seminoles of Florida; with the confident assurance of having dome all that any individuals could have done under the same circumstances. We left nothing untired, or unresorted [sic] to, that would have in the least advanced, or, furthered the desirable object of peace. Richd. [sic] Fields Hair Conrad [Hair Conrad’s mark] Jesse Bushyhead Thos. [sic] Woodward [Thomas Woodward’s mark] Test Pole Cat [Pole Cat’s mark] Interpreter for the mediation to the Seminoles.
[Transcribed by Jerry Thompson, 2014-08-27]
Gilcrease Museum
Scope and Content Notes
Report by the Seminole Deputation (Richard Fields, Hair Conrad, Jesse Bushyhead, and Thomas Woodward) in Washington City to Chief John Ross. Folded sheets of paper with handwritten text in ink on twenty three pages. Folder 303
Archival Location
- Collection: Manuscript Collection: John Ross Papers
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©Gilcrease Museum
Report by the Seminole Deputation to Chief John Ross
Native American, Seminole
February 17, 1838
ink on paper
Object Type:
Accession No:
Previous Number(s):
Not On View
- Length: 9 3/4in. (24.8cm)
- Width: 7 3/4in. (19.7cm)
- Length: 9 3/4in. (24.8cm)
- Width: 15 1/2in. (39.4cm)
Signed, "Richd. Fields, X (Hair Conrad's mark), Jesse Bushyhead, X (Thos. Woodward)"
16 Washington City Feby [sic] 17, 1838. 1 John Ross Esqr. The Cherokee deputation who were appointed by you to visit the Seminoles of Florida in the character of mediators between the United States and the Seminoles; and to bear to them your Talk of friendship and peace, by leave to lay before you the result of their mission. ...
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Hargett, J. L.. Report by the Seminole Deputation to Chief John Ross. 3826.7550. John Ross Papers. February 17, 1838. Tulsa: Gilcrease Museum, (02/15/2018).
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