Copy of a list of days spent in search of Tom Griffin
Copy of a list of days spent in search of Tom Griffin
Affidavit, warrant, and jury ruling for Daniel Fields
Scope and Content Notes
Affidavit given by William P. Sheppard stated that Daniel Fields stole a boy horse from him. The horse was worth $75.00 and were stolen on or about the 23rd day of October. The affidavit was signed William P. Sheppard and was given before J. L. McCorkle. 4026.1943.1 was a warrant from J. L. McCorkle for the arrest of Daniel Fields to answer for the charge of stealing the horse. On verso of 4026.1943.1 it stated that the warrant was served by John Q. Hayes on February 12, 1873. Also on verso of 4026.1943.1 the jury ruling stated that the found the prisoner guilty of the charge on March 20, 1873. Jury ruling was given by R. B. Woodard, foreman of the jury. Folder 376
Archival Location
- Collection: Manuscript Collection: John Drew