Printed circular "The Fort Towson Bulletin"
Testimony of R. E. Blackstone in the case of Wilburn Beaty vs. Stephen Carlile
Affidavit, order to attach property, and subpoena concerning the attachment of property of Martin Buzzard Flopper

Scope and Content Notes
Affidavit before J. L. McCorkle, Court Clerk, by Henry Lowry who was the administrator of the John Lowery estate. He asked for the attachment of the property of Martin Buzzard Flopper to prevent the property being placed beyond the reach of the civil law. Order from J. L. McCorkle to attach the property of Martin B. Flopper or as much there of as will satisfy the amount of $50.00. Subpoena for Martin Buzzard Flopper to appear in the court of the Canadian District on the first Monday in January 1874. Subpoena served and settled in full on November 12, 1873. Folder 388
Archival Location
- Collection: Manuscript Collection: John Drew