Postal card addressed to the marshal or constable in Van Buren County, Arkansas concerning stolen wagon

Scope and Content Notes
$20.00 reward notice of a stolen wagon. Wagon was stolen by someone giving his name as Henry Hyde. Hyde was about 45 years of age and 5' 8" with light complexion and sandy whiskers. He walked lame and had ink marks on his right wrist. Hyde had a quarter breed Indian woman with him. He stole and had in his possession a 3 1/4 in. Caldwell Wagon, made by the Kansas Manufacturing Co. in Leavenworth, Kansas. Drove a brown large bay horse with a crooked hind ankle that was about 15 hands high. Reward would be paid for the capture of the man and recovery of the wagon, property of W. R. Henry & Co., Fort Scott, Kansas. Postal card had U.S. one cent postage. Folder 398
Archival Location
- Collection: Manuscript Collection: John Drew