Photocopy of the booklet "The Indian Question Discussed by Spencer S. Stevens of the Cherokee Nation"

A letter of thanks from J. J. McAlester, McAlester, I.T. regarding his election
Typed minutes of a meeting of the conservative citizens of Webbers Falls concerning elections of new officers
Scope and Content Notes
Minutes are typed on Gibson Bros. letterhead. Meeting took place in Webbers Falls, Indian Territory at 8:00 p.m. D. W. McCorkle presided as temporary chairman. Minutes detailed the nomination and voting process for electing officers. C. C. Tittle was declared elected as nominee for Mayor. S. L. Milligan was elected as nominee for recorder. Geo. Pollard, William Gibson, T.M. Looper, J. T. Neal, and Cal Hanks were declared elected aldermen. Minutes were signed my D. W. McCorkle, President Pro. tem., and R. F. Hubbard, Secretary Pro. tem. Folder 578
Archival Location
- Collection: Manuscript Collection: John Drew