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Otis Granville Clark, Anita and Robert Holloway, Eddie Faye Gates, and Thelma Thurman Knight on a transit from the Senate to the House of Representatives in the Supreme Court in Washington, District of Columbia
Eddie Faye Gates
Two unidentified individuals facing away from the camera with Eddie Faye Gates and then Senator Barack Obama at the United States Congress in Washington, District of Columbia
Eddie Faye Gates

Eddie Faye Gates with Don Ross holding a campaign sign running for State Representative

Curatorial Remarks

People: Eddie Faye Gates, State Representative Don Ross
Places: Don Ross campaign headquarters, Robert Copeland's law office

Community Elder Tags: red lipstick, bummer sticker, Election of the Oklahoma State House of Representatives

Kavin Ross, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022

Community Youth Tags: Patty Eaton State Representative campaign, Don Ross State Representative campaign, state representative race 1982, don ross achievements, state representative 1982, blue shirt, possible bumper sticker, eyeglasses, red lipstick blazer, white collared button down shirt, books

LeQuincia Brown, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022

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Eddie Faye Gates with Don Ross holding a campaign sign running for State Representative
Eddie Faye Gates Gates (Subject)
Object Type: 
Credit Line: 
Gift of Eddie Faye Gates, Tulsa, OK, teacher, author, community activist
Accession No: 
Previous Number(s): 
Not On View

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