Eddie Faye Gates giving a talk at City Hall in Tulsa, Oklahoma, photograph by Kavin Ross

Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Carrie Cudjoe (left) and unidentified woman
Reverend Andrew Young, the Keynote speaker for the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry Racism Conference and Ruford Henderson, with two unidentified men at the Convention Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Curatorial Remarks
National Association for the Advancement of Color People, (NAACP) President Jack Henderson, greets Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, Vice President Ruford Henderson. Rev. Young was the keynote speaker at the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries Racism Conference. November 7, 1991.
People: President Jack Henderson, Reverend Andrew Young, Ruford Henderson
Places: Tulsa Convention Center
Purpose: Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries Racism Conference
Community Elder Tags: N.A.A.C.P., National Association for the Advancement of Color People
Kavin Ross, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: Vice President NAACP, NAACP photographs, TMM Racism Conference 1991, racism conference photos, November 7 Tulsa Oklahoma, Tulsa Convention Center Events, NAACP officer archives
LeQuincia Brown, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
People: President Jack Henderson, Reverend Andrew Young, Ruford Henderson
Places: Tulsa Convention Center
Purpose: Tulsa Metropolitan Ministries Racism Conference
Community Elder Tags: N.A.A.C.P., National Association for the Advancement of Color People
Kavin Ross, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: Vice President NAACP, NAACP photographs, TMM Racism Conference 1991, racism conference photos, November 7 Tulsa Oklahoma, Tulsa Convention Center Events, NAACP officer archives
LeQuincia Brown, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022