Eddie Faye Gates with Ron Gilliam (interveners NAACP suit) at Juneteenth on Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Sonny Gray and Bryndle Gray at the Greenwood Jazz Festival in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Shelby Minner playing on stage at Juneteenth on Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Curatorial Remarks
People: Shelby Minor
Places: Greenwood
Purpose: Juneteenth
Community Elder Tags: dusk to dawn, Juneteenth on Greenwood, DC Minor, Miller beer banner, June 17 1989, blue dress
Kavin Ross, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: Juneteenth, Tulsa 1989, Juneteenth 1989, Greenwood celebration, electric guitar, electric bass, live concert, trumpet live, Tulsa music concerts, Tulsa historic events
LeQuincia Brown, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Places: Greenwood
Purpose: Juneteenth
Community Elder Tags: dusk to dawn, Juneteenth on Greenwood, DC Minor, Miller beer banner, June 17 1989, blue dress
Kavin Ross, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: Juneteenth, Tulsa 1989, Juneteenth 1989, Greenwood celebration, electric guitar, electric bass, live concert, trumpet live, Tulsa music concerts, Tulsa historic events
LeQuincia Brown, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022