Miss Yoko Sisasawa performing with The Duke Ellington Orchestra in Tulsa, Oklahoma

A group of Tulsa Race Massacre survivors (pictured: unidentified survivors present, and include Delois Vaden Ramsey, second row and second from left in a turquoise dress; Thelma Thurman Knight, second row and second from right in a black jacket; Roanna He
The Duke Ellington Orchestra, performing on stage in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Curatorial Remarks
Places: Tulsa Oklahoma, Greenwood
Purpose: Jazz festival
Community Elder Tags: August 17 1990, concert, American Airlines banner, your hometown airline. baby grand piano, man with back to audience, blue and white stage cover, Duke Ellington Band, trombones, saxophones, drum set, microphones, monitor speaker, concert after dusk, male solo trumpet player, people observing
Francine Campbell, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: microphones, musical performance, Band, jazz band, brass instruments, stage, festival, outside performance, speakers, gray suit, black suit, red suit, piano, bass fiddle, double bass, stringed instruments, August 17th 1990, fall, autumn
Erika Hanes, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Purpose: Jazz festival
Community Elder Tags: August 17 1990, concert, American Airlines banner, your hometown airline. baby grand piano, man with back to audience, blue and white stage cover, Duke Ellington Band, trombones, saxophones, drum set, microphones, monitor speaker, concert after dusk, male solo trumpet player, people observing
Francine Campbell, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022
Community Youth Tags: microphones, musical performance, Band, jazz band, brass instruments, stage, festival, outside performance, speakers, gray suit, black suit, red suit, piano, bass fiddle, double bass, stringed instruments, August 17th 1990, fall, autumn
Erika Hanes, Community Expert for the Eddie Faye Gates project, 2020-2022